Tampermonkey / tampermonkey

Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager, with over 10 million users. It's available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox.
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[Chrome] Switch to manifest v3 #644

Open derjanb opened 5 years ago

derjanb commented 5 years ago

Draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nPu6Wy4LWR66EFLeYInl3NzzhHzc-qnk4w4PX-0XMw8/edit#

Discussion: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/chromium-extensions/hQeJzPbG-js

Martii commented 5 years ago

Cc: @jasonbarnabe , @sizzlemctwizzle

Depending on how this rolls out this might affect other public sites such as OUJS, GF and even GH. I'm certainly not going to pay goo for anything for a possible, and probable, monopolistic practice.

tophf commented 5 years ago

At first glance, TM or other userscript managers don't seem to be endangered by the APIv3 proposal. There is even an upside - the dynamic registration of content scripts (hopefully similar to Firefox). In the worst case some hacks like CSP header patching might become impossible though.

derjanb commented 5 years ago

I'm not that sure. Devlin wrote

Note that we will be limiting remotely-hosted/arbitrary code execution in all contexts. The goal is that we should be able to perform an in-depth security review of an extension and be confident in what it does and whether it poses a security or privacy risk to users (which is possible through web page contexts, as well).

...and he wrote that to me while we discussed the Opera issue. It depends on how deep the security review should be. Userscripts of course can be a security threat and it's simply not possible to meet this criteria:

This will require that all code executed by the extension be present in the extension’s package uploaded to the webstore.

tophf commented 5 years ago

Ah, the good old detached-from-reality-Devlin, one should love the man's idealistic world view... Could you suggest they implement a userscript sandbox API that was present in the old Firefox and is about to be restored in WebExtensions?

derjanb commented 5 years ago

Could you suggest they implement a userscript sandbox API that was present in the old Firefox and is about to be restored in WebExtensions?

No, we focused on the Opera issue.

raszpl commented 3 years ago

and so https://blog.chromium.org/2020/12/manifest-v3-now-available-on-m88-beta.html V3 is upon us.

some hacks like CSP header patching

is essential to tampermonkey functionality?

tophf commented 3 years ago

There's much more missing in ManifestV3. The CSP patching problem isn't essential. The much bigger problem is the very ability to inject user code which is ostensibly forbidden by ManifestV3 completely, and this wasn't still clarified by anyone on chromium team.

derjanb commented 3 years ago

I'm in contact with the Chrome developers. Extensions like Tampermonkey will work in MV3, but some additional user action is required for it to work. I don't have any further details on this at the moment.

raszpl commented 3 years ago

The CSP patching problem isn't essential.

after further looking around it seems CSP header injection/modification is working now https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1116487

skillsboy commented 3 years ago

Any news if tampermonkey will work with the chrome manifest v3 ?

zorcec commented 3 years ago

I do not want to sound like a broken record, but it would be great if we can get some details about the "MV3" solution. Is there a Chromium bug or any other source where we can follow the outcome or chromium discussions? (I'm also curious what will be the solution in general, how other extensions can benefit from this)

derjanb commented 3 years ago

The Extensions team has mentioned several times that MV3 will allow arbitrary code evaluation via some mechanism that they still keep under wraps. - hgr

We're not being sneaky or anything, we're just focused on all the other work we need to get MV3 in shape. IMO this is an important use case, but it's less important than making MV3 extensions work at all. It will take time to think through and we have precious little of that at the moment.

No news yet.


raszpl commented 3 years ago

But afaik we dont need arbitrary remote code execution. Is google trying to prevent user defined local code execution?

tophf commented 3 years ago

Any userscript is the "remote code" because it's not shipped within the extension.

raszpl commented 3 years ago

Those are dangerous semantics. Its remote to Google who wants to control the Browser. Its not remote to the user and his own computer. Lets be clear here, Google is trying to mold User Browser into a closed ecosystem app similar to Apples.

Google will successfully argue remote code is dangerous, 3vil haxors from africa injecting malicious scripts etc.

We need to be vocal about not wanting "remote code execution" in V3, we want User Defined local code execution.

tophf commented 3 years ago

It's not really semantics but rather a poor choice of words which were probably coined by C++ programmers who implement the API internals: local means code shipped with the extension, remote means everything else. It's not about local machine vs remote servers. The reason for the distinction is that the extension's code is reviewed by the web store so it's considered safe afterwards. I'm not sure web store reviewers are programmers though so their review is probably perfunctory.

rektide commented 3 years ago

Horrible suggestion (for horrible times) but perhaps we could embed evaljs or Wizer's WASM Spidermonkey to interpret JS.

That would let us run dynamic JS again. The next challenge is figuring out how to inject the functions/objects we expect to have access to from Tampermonkey.

dotproto commented 3 years ago

Horrible suggestion (for horrible times) but perhaps we could embed evaljs or Wizer's WASM Spidermonkey to interpret JS.

I'd strongly recommend against this path as it's a clear violation of the the Additional Requirements for Manifest V3 section of the Chrome Web Store's Developer Program Policies.

Additional Requirements for Manifest V3 Extensions using Manifest V3 must meet additional requirements related to the extension's code. Specifically, the full functionality of an extension must be easily discernible from its submitted code. This means that the logic of how each extension operates should be self contained. The extension may reference and load data and other information sources that are external to the extension, but these external resources must not contain any logic.

Some common violations include: …

  • Building an interpreter to run complex commands fetched from a remote source, even if those commands are fetched as data

Since I've seen some confusion here and elsewhere, I want to quickly reaffirm that the Chrome team is still planning to support power user tools that inject user-written scripts or styles in Maniest V3, but we have not yet begun implementation work. I expect we're likely still a few months out on this. @derjanb, I also expect I'll be following up with you when we have a more substantial update.

derjanb commented 3 years ago

@dotproto Thanks for clarifying.

I also expect I'll be following up with you when we have a more substantial update.

That's great. Some substantial changes to Tampermonkey will be necessary. So I like to use whatever lead time I can get so that the Manifest v3 version will be stable within the schedule. At the moment I can't really tackle the migration because important features like this are missing.

asger-finding commented 2 years ago

I came to the Tampermonkey repo in hopes of seeing a thread like this. I don't mean to go too off-topic, but I do have concerns of my own Chrome extension, which injects multiple scripts into a website it's dedicated to. It's a project I've worked on for two years, and the recent announcement of deprecation of manifest v2 is deeply worrying to me. Is there anything I can do to update my extension, but keep script injecting? It's essential that I can access the site's window object, its variables and scripts for overriding.

PS: Terribly sorry that this isn't on-topic, but you guys are definitely experts in JS script injecting :)

7nik commented 2 years ago

If I remember right, it should inject scripts to the page context for manifest v3 and even without bothering CSP: content.js

const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = chrome.runtime.getURL('script-to-inject.js');
(document.head || document.documentElement).append(script);


 "web_accessible_resources": [{
        "resources": ["script-to-inject.js"],
        "matches": ["*://example.com/*"]

Likely I got it from this answer.

asger-finding commented 2 years ago

Huh, that must be new. I remember trying, and failing, to upgrade to manifest v3 some months ago. I'll try again, thanks!

eligrey commented 2 years ago

@dotproto What's your latest update for this issue?

NotAProton commented 2 years ago

any updates on this?

chrome webstore has stopped accepting manifest v2 https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/mv2-sunset/

fushihara commented 2 years ago

The following methods have been published as a way to dynamically stream arbitrary strings to arbitrary websites. I am not sure if this method works on the latest version (chrome v99), but I am writing to share this information. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1239976

dotproto commented 2 years ago

As I mentioned in comment 2, the arbitrary code execution method described in that issue is not allowed by Chrome Web Store policy. If you intended to publish to Chrome Web Store, I strongly recommend against going down this path.

panta82 commented 2 years ago

@7nik the problem with that is that script will be executed whenever it wants, not before all other scripts on the page.

mon-jai commented 2 years ago

@dotproto Any updates from the Chrome Team regarding the support of power user tools in Manifest V3?

dotproto commented 2 years ago

@mon-jai, the short answer is no, I don't have any updates to share. That said, I'll reaffirm that we plan to support userscript managers in Maniest V3 before the Manifest V2 deprecation.

BlackGlory commented 2 years ago

In my experience with Google, they will find their browser share decreases when they disable Manifest V2, then be forced to extend the life of Manifest V2 and eventually, very reluctantly, add back the ability to execute dynamic code in Manifest V3 :smiley_cat:.

rahulbansal16 commented 2 years ago

Let's build a browser for developer where all the power tooling that we need is inbuilt in it.

fushihara commented 2 years ago

According to the official website, in January 2023, the existing v2 manifest will be shut down. I am very concerned that support for dynamic scripts will really be added by then. https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/mv2-sunset/

7nik commented 2 years ago

There is a "new" API chrome.scripting that seems to provide enough power to execute an arbitrary code.

BlackGlory commented 2 years ago

As far as I know, chrome.scripting doesn't work, because you can't dynamically create functions or files in Manifest V3.

asger-finding commented 2 years ago

Check out https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1207006, may be relevant

derjanb commented 2 years ago

That said, I'll reaffirm that we plan to support userscript managers in Manifest V3 before the Manifest V2 deprecation.

@dotproto time's running and Manifest V2 deprecation is only 5 month from now. This is probably already too short to manage the changeover and test everything extensively.

I've started with the first steps of mv3 conversion to at least tackle the service worker thing. However, I need some basic knowledge of how arbitrary code execution could look like in the future.

From what I can imaging a new property "content_scripts" at the content_security_policy manifest entry could allow content scripts to use script tag injection like before.

Another way could be to add a code property to RegisteredContentScript or a func property like it was done at ScriptInjection. But the latter would require a CSP that allows dynamic function creation from a string. I'm also open to executeScript with document_start, but I don't think that this will happen.

So for now the basic information that I need to go ahead is: will the string (userscript + wrapper) to executable code/function conversion happen at the service worker (by passing it to an API) or at the content script (via script tag injection or API call)?

tophf commented 2 years ago

Ideally, the new API should resemble Firefox's userScripts API that in addition to registering the code also provides onBeforeScript event that allows the engine (Tampermonkey) to implement the client-side part of the userscripts API.

FWIW, executeScript supports injectImmediately: true which replicates document_start. Still, registering is more reliable.

derjanb commented 2 years ago

FWIW, executeScript supports injectImmediately: true which replicates document_start. Still, registering is more reliable.

Yes, especially since there is (usually) no support for blocking events, the service worker might have been asleep and document_start had already passed before the scripts are loaded from storage again and executeScript could be called.

Also, as far as I can tell, executeScript has no arbitrary code support yet (apart from this hack), right?

Black-Platypus commented 2 years ago

Aaaargh! I was just looking for information about the persistence of the @include directive, and now I'm hearing that the whole future of TM and userScripts for Chrome is uncertain?

...When (if?) Tampermonkey migrates to v3, will that affect the scripts' matching policy, i.e. disallow @include and restrict to @match, or is the matching handled internally and not directly affected by the manifest/API version?

derjanb commented 2 years ago

I'm hearing that the whole future of TM and userScripts for Chrome is uncertain?

@dotproto from Google says "I'll reaffirm that we plan to support userscript managers in Manifest V3 before the Manifest V2 deprecation."

When (if?) Tampermonkey migrates to v3, will that affect the scripts' matching policy, i.e. disallow @include and restrict to @match, or is the matching handled internally and not directly affected by the manifest/API version?

I can't say that at the moment, because it depends on how the Chromium team wants to enable userscript execution.

If it's declarative then @match should work natively, because match pattern are supported by various Chrome APIs. @include causes problems, which might be workaroundable somehow. In case script execution stays event based, then @include should continue to work as usual.

tophf commented 2 years ago

This technique is nothing new, they just create the script element in page context (MAIN world) so it's not subject to the CSP of extension's content script, but in turn it is subject to the site's CSP. It means that Tampermonkey will have to disable the site's CSP on many modern sites thus lowering their security by default, whereas currently it's an opt-in behavior, toggled in settings. Although it might be possible to just modify CSP header by adding SHA nonce of the injected code, but that depends on the shape of the promised API for userscripts.

Also, to point out the non-obvious caveat, MAIN world environment may be spoofed by the site even before document_start (due to an old architectural bug in Chrome/FF), so using this trick won't help extensions that want to run an external script or dynamically created code in the safe isolated world environment of their content scripts.

Anyway, the act of injecting the external or user-provided code is not the problem and we'll be able to use it in an unpacked dev-mode extension. The problem is that it is forbidden for extensions in the web store, so the authors who circumvent it will be banned.

Black-Platypus commented 2 years ago

Oh, so sorry. I should not have posted that link without reading through it, it just sounded so enticing 🤦‍♂️

Xdy1579883916 commented 1 year ago

hello everyone. Is this topic still under continuous attention? I have a small case here to ask if it is feasible.


It seems that remote scripts can be executed in this way, but I'm not sure whether it is stable.

tophf commented 1 year ago

@Xdy1579883916, this is the same trick (the original comment is deleted now) I commented upon above. It won't help for exactly the same reasons.

pvmnd commented 1 year ago

Anyway, the act of injecting the external or user-provided code is not the problem and we'll be able to use it in an unpacked dev-mode extension. The problem is that it is forbidden for extensions in the web store, so the authors who circumvent it will be banned.

@tophf , Could you give more details how to run user provided code in a unpacked extension in MV3? Because I see that eval() does not work there.

tophf commented 1 year ago

@pvmnd, it's shown in https://crbug.com/1239976. An extension page/frame can use its service worker's onfetch event to create a dynamic code in an imported script that runs in this page/frame so that it can be used either directly instead of eval() in the context of the extension process or you can specify it as func in chrome.scripting.executeScript to run in the context of a content script or a page script (MAIN world).

mon-jai commented 1 year ago

Google delayed the switch to Manifest V3.


derjanb commented 1 year ago

Yes, I've seen that. Also, the estimated timeline for an API [1][2] that can be used by Tampermonkey to inject scripts is Canary support around October, 2022.

[simeon] The Chrome team is planning to address this by expanding the scripting API. Our plan is to add a code (string) option to the scripting.registerContentScripts method, with a caveat. We are looking for two signals: the end user has to be comfortable with and consent to this functionality (i.e. opt-in). Secondly, the extension should announce the desire for this functionality (i.e. a permission).

[1] https://github.com/w3c/webextensions/issues/279#issuecomment-1255843961 [2] https://github.com/w3c/webextensions/blob/main/_minutes/2022-09-15-wecg-tpac.md

Timeraa commented 1 year ago

It seems like they started to finally do a proposal + they updated the Chrome page with Canary Support around December. https://github.com/w3c/webextensions/pull/331 https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/known-issues/#userscript-managers-support

codeyourwayup commented 1 year ago

this is good. thanks.