Tamschi / reserde

A RE-SErialising DEserialiser - that is: a document converter. Currently supports Bencode, Bincode, CBOR, JSON, TAML, XML, x-www-form-urlencoded and YAML.
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Remove comment left in code #32

Closed scribe closed 2 years ago

scribe commented 2 years ago

This is pretty trivial, but I didn't realize structopt would include the possible values until I played with it more later.

This PR removes two comments that are no longer accurate after #31. My bad for leaving comments like that.

Tamschi commented 2 years ago

I'll wait a day before merging this PR in case anything else comes up, since that seems like a good idea in general.

I'm not sure if you've read CONTRIBUTING.md, but you're invited to add yourself as copyright holder to both license files if you'd like.

You could also add a CHANGELOG.md entry (for both of your PRs combined). I use the following format for upcoming versions:

## next

TODO: Date

- Revisions:
  - change title (contributed by @<your GitHub @> in #<PR #> and #<PR #>)
    > Further description if necessary.

But this is optional. I'll otherwise add it shortly after merging this pull request here.

Tamschi commented 2 years ago

(I won't add the hacktoberfest-accepted label to avoid accidentally encouraging others to split their pull-requests, but it will likely still count towards Hacktoberfest due to the the repository topic. Which is fair to me - thanks for coming back after my hasty merge yesterday and for teaching me about a structopt feature I didn't know about.)

scribe commented 2 years ago

I'd be happy to do all of the above to help out!

Tamschi commented 2 years ago

Awesome, thank you so much, but also remember to take it easy ๐Ÿ˜…

(I recently overworked myself a bit by having too many side projects at once and it wasn't a pleasant experience.

I don't know how much unpaid open-source work you've done so far, but there aren't any deadlines or quotas here. (I'm assuming you're somewhat new at this though, since Hacktober is often about being a safe space for new contributors.)

I think the only expectation, if there is any, is to avoid causing harm with your code for personal gain and such, and maybe some base level of contribution quality (that you're very easily clearing here, though the detailed requirements differ between projects, so it's important to dig a bit to see if there's some specific workflow. For my own repositories, I generally only have a few guidelines and some basic conduct rules though).)

scribe commented 2 years ago

This might be a silly question, but do you have a preferred format for adding to the copyright? Should it be on a line by itself, or somewhere else?

Tamschi commented 2 years ago

This might be a silly question, but do you have a preferred format for adding to the copyright? Should it be on a line by itself, or somewhere else?

I didn't think to explain this since it's been a while, but I remember spending a few hours doing research when I published my first OSS project. Explaining licensing formalities is probably a bit too much to add to CONTRIBUTING.md, but I'll see if I can add a link to an explanation in this regard to my project template.

For now, and this isn't quite general advice, since other projects handle this differently, but for mine:

You've likely found them, but the copyright holders lists are currently the following lines:

https://github.com/Tamschi/reserde/blob/a1a502d83bb4447fd585ae7108ce86d03fe10636/LICENSE-APACHE#L189 https://github.com/Tamschi/reserde/blob/a1a502d83bb4447fd585ae7108ce86d03fe10636/LICENSE-MIT#L3

with https://github.com/Tamschi/reserde/blob/a1a502d83bb4447fd585ae7108ce86d03fe10636/COPYRIGHT.md tying those licenses together. You should read these files if you aren't familiar with them already.

My projects currently all list copyright holders individually, so please add yourself in a new line directly below each of these.

I personally just went with the suggested format, but this is flexible: You can for example not add your email address and/or (at least by my local laws) use a nickname you're recognised under. Functionally, stating your copyright like that makes it easier for you to enforce it if anyone breaks the package license, and gives me (stronger) assurance that there aren't any licensing issues with your contributions. I've plastered the contribution agreement all over the repository though, so hopefully it wouldn't be an issue for me even otherwise ๐Ÿ˜… (I'm not a lawyer etc.)

Formatting-wise, go with what looks tidy to you without modifying other lines. I'll suggest a change through the review function in case anything is amiss in that regard.

It's possible that someone down the line will remove one of the licenses, since this crate is dual-licensed under either of "MIT OR Apache-2.0", but they have to retain at least one of these copyright holders lists, or get everyone to agree individually to change it. You can always change your own entries, of course(, at least as far as I'm aware).

There's also the authors field in Cargo.toml, but I see this one more as an invitation to contact me about issues with the crate, so you may not want to add yourself there unless you really want to provide technical support to users.

The field is also technically deprecated, so it's possible I'll remove it in the future and have my contact info only elsewhere in the documentation. (See here for which files I include in the package on crates.io.)

Generally speaking, if you see contributors lists with individual names, it should be safe to add yourself when contributing. It's usually good form for new contributors to add themselves last, so that the original author(s) are listed first.

Also, and I personally chose not to do this since I think it clutters the code a bit, but if a project uses per-file licensing headers, then add yourself only to the files you modified. You'll see this in Linux a lot for example, but it seems to be uncommon for Rust projects.

Adding yourself as copyright holder for typo-fixes or formatting PRs would probably look a bit odd, so I avoid doing that. (These license lists are a little bit like the OSS version of film credits, there's a tiny bit of clout to being a contributor on a successful project.)

Smaller projects often don't have explicit license formatting guidelines, but since getting contributions is often a rare and precious event for them, it's fine to guess a bit. The maintainer(s) will most likely point it out if there's any issue.

scribe commented 2 years ago

I really appreciate you taking some time to explain that to me. I'll be better equipped to help in the future because of you.

Tamschi commented 2 years ago

I really appreciate you taking some time to explain that to me. I'll be better equipped to help in the future because of you.

I'm just paying it forward, I think. Others have helped me with my PRs in the past and I'd appreciate if you'd do the same in the future, in case you decide to publish your own software this way and happen to get a contributor new to OSS.

scribe commented 2 years ago

Iโ€™d be happy to add the change log. I donโ€™t want to leave extra work

Tamschi commented 2 years ago

Iโ€™d be happy to add the change log. I donโ€™t want to leave extra work

Oh, and don't sweat it! It's pretty much impossible to turn in code in the exact way the maintainer would have done it.

Sometimes they'll leave it as-is, sometimes they quietly adjust it a bit (I usually just do that with things like the changelog, but in this case I decided to explain my changes a little more) and sometimes they'll suggest changes like in this case (and rejecting those is often okay! Just add a comment regarding why you wouldn't do something the suggested way and the maintainer should often resolve that discussion once it's clarified).

Tamschi commented 2 years ago

I've published v0.0.3 (and made it a proper GitHub "Release" to celebrate my first received contribution in quite a while) ๐ŸŽ‰

Pushing the release tag also created a project chat due to my new Zulip automation. Feel free to drop by if you want, especially if you use reserde as end user and run into any difficulties with it.

Tamschi commented 2 years ago

Edited the release into v0.0.4 because I'd messed up a bit when I relicensed the program previously and only noticed just now ๐Ÿ˜…

You can find it here: https://github.com/Tamschi/reserde/releases/tag/v0.0.4