TanGentleman / Augmenta

Automate RAG-powered workflows
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Further streamline workflows with granular overrides #29

Open TanGentleman opened 1 month ago

TanGentleman commented 1 month ago

This is my (imo) elegant way to handle all new CLI flags or API parameters in the future. Since I have defined Schemas for all different RAG, Chat, and Hyperparameter settings, I want to make an easier way to override any of the values in settings.json. Essentially, it would be nice to quickly run python chat.py -m "model-name" or python chat.py -t 500 to limit the response tokens to 500. Adding all these settings adds bulk that I want to streamline and plan for beforehand.

For instance, compared to the start of this project, there's now a ton of configuration settings!

Current settings.json file:

    "rag_config": {
        "rag_mode": bool, (To start the chatbot in rag mode)
        "collection_name": str (name of the vector-db folder),
        "embedding_model": str (Name of the function in models.py),
        "method": str ("faiss" or "chroma"),
        "chunk_size": int (max characters in each chunk in the db, usually 256-2000),
        "chunk_overlap": int (usually 20-200 characters of overlap),
        "k_excerpts": int (excerpts used as context for LLM response, usually 1-4),
        "rag_llm": str (Name of the function in models.py),
        "inputs": [
            "paper.txt", "agents.pdf", "example.com" (each input is a string pointing to a local file or a url)
        "multivector_enabled": false, (This is for advanced workflows - very cool! :P)
        "multivector_method": "summary"
    "chat_config": {
        "primary_model": "get_together_llama3",
        "backup_model": "get_ollama_local_model",
        "enable_system_message": true,
        "system_message": "You are a helpful AI." (This can be also be set in-chat, but adds friction)
    "hyperparameters": {
        "max_tokens": 1000,
        "temperature": 0.1

Note that to add things like custom stop tokens or temperatures for certain substeps, I run into an annoying problem with how this is organized. My plan is to create a simple schema for hyperparameters that can be configured and used flexibly by any of the LLMs.

I also want to create a new function to save a custom configuration as a file like settings.json that can be run in the future. I would like it to be something akin to the Vectara Ingest crawlers with YAML configs for running a workflow.

Perhaps in the future, a YAML may contain:

This last step would be very powerful. Setting up a YAML config with 1000+ websites or documents in the input field, and having it being able to create a database with meaningful metadata or analysis is very tricky to streamline, but immensely valuable!

TanGentleman commented 1 month ago

One solution is to define some dictionaries in constants.py, and make reference to them for each LLM. So it would be (LLM) as a default, or (LLM, HS2) for Hyperparameter Schema 2, with it being easy to add new schemas to reuse them as components instead of changing settings.json manually each time.