TanNgocDo / Rotten-Tomatoes

Week One Exercise coderschool.
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Inform Charles #2

Open TanNgocDo opened 8 years ago

TanNgocDo commented 8 years ago

I have submit my homework. Could you please check it for me /cc @chug2k ?

chug2k commented 8 years ago

Full-featured submission. Very good job. I really like the animation on the move details page.

I didn't mention this in class, but please be sure to follow the Swift code styling conventions for the homework. Here are a few useful guides:

Your code is pretty close to the style guide, so good job. You are occasionally inconsistent with your brackets - sometimes you write:

if something {

and sometimes you use

if something

The first form is generally more accepted according to the style guides.

In class I only used a NSDictionary, but it would have been nice if you implemented a model class. The SwiftyJSON library is useful for this - https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON.

Great job with the search and the tab bar, but I did find a bug with your search:


This happens when you scroll while search is active. You should probably make the filters array equal to the movies array by default, so an empty search query is still valid.

Overall, excellent submission.

TanNgocDo commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much for your very clear feedback, Charles ! I will pay more attention in coding style in next homeworks. With your hint I will f fix my crash. I also know about SwiftyJSON . It's cool!
Further more, I need to refactor my code to some design pattern. It is not good to write code like my current code.

Last but not least, Thank you for taking time to review very clearly!

chug2k commented 8 years ago
