TanNhatCMS / df-frontend-2023

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Submission for assignment 3 #5

Open TanNhatCMS opened 11 months ago

TanNhatCMS commented 11 months ago

Demo link: https://assignment-3.tannhatcms.xyz/

zlatanpham commented 11 months ago

Hello @TanNhatCMS, good work!


Final result: ✅ passed 90% of the requirements


We also have some comments for your work:

  1. Consider providing more clarity regarding the type of the theme by defining it as a union type, such as type Theme = 'dark' | 'light'. https://github.com/TanNhatCMS/df-frontend-2023/blob/18ee04d8130804670e4f6903d9b8acc89568cd2b/assignment-3/src/AppController.tsx#L7
  2. There is no type definitions for PaginationBar component https://github.com/TanNhatCMS/df-frontend-2023/blob/18ee04d8130804670e4f6903d9b8acc89568cd2b/assignment-3/src/view/components/Pagination/PaginationBar.tsx#L54-L59
  3. To maintain the CSS class toggle across all relevant HTML elements throughout the website for a light/dark mode CSS switch can be a challenge. However, utilizing CSS variables can simplify the process. - https://dev.to/ananyaneogi/create-a-dark-light-mode-switch-with-css-variables-34l8 https://github.com/TanNhatCMS/df-frontend-2023/blob/18ee04d8130804670e4f6903d9b8acc89568cd2b/assignment-3/src/view/components/Table/index.tsx#L86-L99
  4. It’s great to see you utilizing the React Context API. However, unless you face issues with prop drilling, it’s advisable to first utilize local state https://github.com/TanNhatCMS/df-frontend-2023/blob/18ee04d8130804670e4f6903d9b8acc89568cd2b/assignment-3/src/view/components/Search/index.tsx#L8-L13

Most of your TypeScript code is clean, but there are a few places where the type definitions for components are missing. To prevent this issue, consider changing the configuration setting noImplicitAny to true. https://github.com/TanNhatCMS/df-frontend-2023/blob/18ee04d8130804670e4f6903d9b8acc89568cd2b/assignment-3/tsconfig.json#L15