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[v5] Update `Devtools in production` docs section #6003

Closed snelsi closed 7 months ago

snelsi commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

Devtools in production docs code section is outdated.

This import:

const ReactQueryDevtoolsProduction = React.lazy(() =>
    (d) => ({
      default: d.ReactQueryDevtools,

throws error:

Cannot find module '@tanstack/react-query-devtools/build/lib/index.prod.js' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)

Your minimal, reproducible example


Steps to reproduce

  1. Update react-query version to: "@tanstack/react-query": "5.0.0-beta.23", "@tanstack/react-query-devtools": "5.0.0-beta.23",

  2. Copy-paste this example to your project: https://tanstack.com/query/v5/docs/react/devtools#devtools-in-production

  3. TS linter will mark this as an error

Expected behavior

@tanstack/react-query-devtools/build/ has legacy and modern folders in it. I guess this code should look like this?

const ReactQueryDevtoolsProduction = React.lazy(() =>
    (d) => ({
      default: d.ReactQueryDevtools,

How often does this bug happen?

Every time

Screenshots or Videos




Tanstack Query adapter


TanStack Query version


TypeScript version


Additional context

No response

TkDodo commented 9 months ago

good catch. can you please raise a PR to update that section?


I think the modern bundlers section should be unaffected because we've updated the package.json exports. I'm wondering if we should revert the order in the guide, because most bundlers should understand package.json exports by now ...

igortas commented 9 months ago

Hi @TkDodo What is the alternative of /build/lib/index.prod.js for version 5, when is used with legacy tool like CRA?

TkDodo commented 9 months ago

build/modern/production.cjs I think

igortas commented 9 months ago

@TkDodo shows error on the terminal for all possibilities modern or legacy. The error is like:

Package path ./build/modern/production.cjs is not exported from package

TkDodo commented 8 months ago

hmm @lachlancollins can you maybe have a look here please?

lachlancollins commented 8 months ago

Hi @snelsi, if I'm not mistaken, you should just import from @tanstack/react-query-devtools/production rather than referencing the direct file, and your bundler should resolve the file. Also I don't think you need to wrap in lazy, check out this example. Docs might need updating, lmk how it goes!

lachlancollins commented 8 months ago

For reference, these are the exports in its package.json:


snelsi commented 8 months ago

@lachlancollins I don't think importing @tanstack/react-query-devtools/production works. 😥 At least not in my Next.js app image

snelsi commented 8 months ago

However, import "@tanstack/react-query-devtools" seems to work fine? image

snelsi commented 8 months ago

Uh, I think I'm just missing

"module": "nodenext",
"moduleResolution": "nodenext",

in my tsconfig.json

TkDodo commented 8 months ago

someone please update the documentation on how the imports really work (on the rc branch). Thanks.

bastibuck commented 8 months ago

After the release this is still an issue.

I checked the source and the package.json states the following exports

"exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": {
        "types": "./build/modern/index.d.ts",
        "default": "./build/modern/index.js"
      "require": {
        "types": "./build/modern/index.d.cts",
        "default": "./build/modern/index.cjs"
    "./production": {
      "import": {
        "types": "./build/modern/production.d.ts",
        "default": "./build/modern/production.js"
      "require": {
        "types": "./build/modern/production.d.cts",
        "default": "./build/modern/production.cjs"
    "./package.json": "./package.json"

Thinking the /production should be the one I want in this case.

When I use the following code inside my NextJS app

const ReactQueryDevtoolsProduction = React.lazy(() =>
  import('@tanstack/react-query-devtools/production').then(imp => ({
    default: imp.ReactQueryDevtools,

I still get Cannot find module '@tanstack/react-query-devtools/production' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)

It works fine though - in production and development build of nextjs.

Anyone knows how to fix this properly? If so I can also update the README with the resulting changes

TkDodo commented 8 months ago

yeah I haven't looked into this, but we need to straighten this out. @DamianOsipiuk @lachlancollins with the new bundling setup, do you know what's the best way to import the devtools in production ?

todorone commented 7 months ago

Just a confirmation, that i wasn't able to make work lazy import of production bundle in legacy way(modern one is not accessible to me as i can't adjust TS config module properties to required)

DamianOsipiuk commented 7 months ago

@todorone @bastibuck @snelsi Could any of you try locally patching devtools package and add following to package.json -> exports?

"exports": {
  "./build/modern/production.js": {
    "import": {
      "types": "./build/modern/production.d.ts",
      "default": "./build/modern/production.js"
    "require": {
      "types": "./build/modern/production.d.cts",
      "default": "./build/modern/production.cjs"

And then try

const ReactQueryDevtoolsProduction = React.lazy(() =>
    (d) => ({
      default: d.ReactQueryDevtools,
todorone commented 7 months ago

@DamianOsipiuk it works for me, Vite bundler

stefanofa commented 7 months ago

@todorone @bastibuck @snelsi Could any of you try locally patching devtools package and add following to package.json -> exports?

"exports": {
  "./build/modern/production.js": {
    "import": {
      "types": "./build/modern/production.d.ts",
      "default": "./build/modern/production.js"
    "require": {
      "types": "./build/modern/production.d.cts",
      "default": "./build/modern/production.cjs"

And then try

const ReactQueryDevtoolsProduction = React.lazy(() =>
    (d) => ({
      default: d.ReactQueryDevtools,

This works in next.js with following tsconfig compilerOptions:

"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
TkDodo commented 7 months ago

nice, then lets put that in the docs and @DamianOsipiuk I guess it means changing exports too ?

DamianOsipiuk commented 7 months ago

Yup, ideally both changes in one PR.

bastibuck commented 7 months ago

@todorone @bastibuck @snelsi Could any of you try locally patching devtools package and add following to package.json -> exports?

"exports": {
  "./build/modern/production.js": {
    "import": {
      "types": "./build/modern/production.d.ts",
      "default": "./build/modern/production.js"
    "require": {
      "types": "./build/modern/production.d.cts",
      "default": "./build/modern/production.cjs"

And then try

const ReactQueryDevtoolsProduction = React.lazy(() =>
    (d) => ({
      default: d.ReactQueryDevtools,

I can confirm, works with nextjs for me as well

bastibuck commented 7 months ago

Just updated it in my app and it works with the new version.

IMO this can be closed

melvinotieno commented 3 months ago

After adding moduleResolution: NodeNext and module: NodeNext I am now getting the following error

The inferred type of 'ReactQueryDevtoolsProduction' cannot be named without a reference to '../../node_modules/@tanstack/react-query-devtools/build/modern/devtools-dKCOqp9Q.js'. This is likely not portable. A type annotation is necessary.ts(2742)

Also, changing the moduleResolution and module to NodeNext messes up with the project such that every other import requires to have the file extension. And without NodeNext, then @tanstack/react-router routes has type issues

lachlancollins commented 3 months ago

After adding moduleResolution: NodeNext and module: NodeNext I am now getting the following error

The inferred type of 'ReactQueryDevtoolsProduction' cannot be named without a reference to '../../node_modules/@tanstack/react-query-devtools/build/modern/devtools-dKCOqp9Q.js'. This is likely not portable. A type annotation is necessary.ts(2742)

Also, changing the moduleResolution and module to NodeNext messes up with the project such that every other import requires to have the file extension. And without NodeNext, then @tanstack/react-router routes has type issues

Hi @melvinotieno , this is a separate issue. Could you please create a new issue and a repro?