TanStack / query

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[angular] isPending type isn't typed as Signal #7401

Open k3nsei opened 3 weeks ago

k3nsei commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

When I want to use isPending from mutation I'm getting wrong type. It's returning calculated signal but type is wrongly resolved to boolean. It's also happening to some other properties but I'm using only isPending in my project also I don't remember what others were that weren't working correctly.

Your minimal, reproducible example


Steps to reproduce

import { Injectable, Signal } from "@angular/core";
import { injectMutation } from "@tanstack/angular-query-experimental";

export class Service {
  protected readonly mutation = injectMutation(() => ({
    mutationFn: () => Promise.resolve({}),

  // TypeScript Error: `boolean` is not assignable to type `Signal<boolean>`
  public readonly isProcessing: Signal<boolean> = this.mutation.isPending;

Expected behavior

isPending should be resolved to type Signal<boolean>

How often does this bug happen?

Every time

Screenshots or Videos



Tanstack Query adapter


TanStack Query version


TypeScript version


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