TanStack / query

🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.
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Solid-Query example returns repositoryQuery.data is undefined #7507

Open dhruvy1 opened 1 month ago

dhruvy1 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Solid-Query example returns repositoryQuery.data is undefined

Your minimal, reproducible example


Steps to reproduce

My guess is SolidQuery is not interacting correctly with Solid's <Suspense>

Expected behavior

updated_at should be displayed, or <div>Loading...</div> should render while loading content.

How often does this bug happen?

Every time

Screenshots or Videos

Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 1 29 06 am


Tanstack Query adapter


TanStack Query version


TypeScript version


Additional context

The example works as expected if i wrap it in <Show when={repositoryQuery.isSuccess}>.

So my guess is SolidQuery is not interacting correctly with Solid's <Suspense>

TkDodo commented 1 month ago

The error I'm seeing is a different one:

chunk-3OVJGQWJ.js?v=991034ec:1661 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'laast_')
    at App.tsx?t=1717789917727:41:56
    at Object.fn (chunk-GNBOLAET.js?v=991034ec:337:60)
    at runComputation (chunk-3OVJGQWJ.js?v=991034ec:786:22)
    at updateComputation (chunk-3OVJGQWJ.js?v=991034ec:769:3)
    at createRenderEffect (chunk-3OVJGQWJ.js?v=991034ec:260:5)
    at insert (chunk-GNBOLAET.js?v=991034ec:337:3)
    at get children (App.tsx?t=1717789917727:41:13)
    at Object.fn (chunk-3OVJGQWJ.js?v=991034ec:1796:49)
    at runComputation (chunk-3OVJGQWJ.js?v=991034ec:786:22)
    at updateComputation (chunk-3OVJGQWJ.js?v=991034ec:769:3)
dhruvy1 commented 1 month ago

@TkDodo apologies there was a typo in my stackblitz playground

Here is an updated link without the laast typo. Please click refresh within stackblitz as it shows inconsistent result on the first load.

It should match the TanQuery example:



antonio-pas commented 1 week ago

When you access repositoryQuery.data, the promise has not resolved yet because Suspense creates the elements immediately. You need to add a ? to make sure repositoryQuery.data exists. The Solid documentation on Suspense does a good job of explaining it:

const MyComponentWithSuspense = () => {
  const [profile] = createResource(async () => {
    /* fetcher code here */
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<div>fetching user data</div>}>

In this case, the divs are created immediately, but instead of being attached to the document body, the fallback is shown.

The example at the top of the page using createResource will give an error as well, it should be updated to this:

      <div>Static Content</div>
      <ErrorBoundary fallback={<div>Something went wrong!</div>}>
        <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        {/* needs the new ? */}
dhruvy1 commented 5 days ago

Thanks for the pick up @antonio-pas I have created a PR to fix this in docs.