TanStack / router

🤖 Fully typesafe Router for React (and friends) w/ built-in caching, 1st class search-param APIs, client-side cache integration and isomorphic rendering.
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docs(examples): update the vinxi-basic-ssr-streaming example to reflect the TanStack website #1264

Closed alessandrojcm closed 1 month ago

alessandrojcm commented 2 months ago

Hey, I am playing around with vinxi and realized that the example in this repo was not working so I updated it following up with the TanStack website migration. Let me know if anything is wrong.

SeanCassiere commented 1 month ago

Now that Tanstack.com is using TSR in production, do you mind updating your PR here? If everything works after the update, I'd be happy to push to this into the repo.

alessandrojcm commented 1 month ago

Now that Tanstack.com is using TSR in production, do you mind updating your PR here? If everything works after the update, I'd be happy to push to this into the repo.

Sure I'll get to it once I get a chance

alessandrojcm commented 1 month ago

Done now @SeanCassiere

nx-cloud[bot] commented 1 month ago

☁️ Nx Cloud Report

CI is running/has finished running commands for commit 078a61a50cb3c894e704f76e85bb868eb85a24ac. As they complete they will appear below. Click to see the status, the terminal output, and the build insights.

📂 See all runs for this CI Pipeline Execution

✅ Successfully ran 3 targets - [`nx affected --targets=test:format,test:eslint,test:unit,test:build,build --parallel=3`](https://cloud.nx.app/runs/gY8fW2CPu4?utm_source=pull-request&utm_medium=comment) - [`nx affected --target=test:types --exclude=examples/**`](https://cloud.nx.app/runs/EVeLKLAWKI?utm_source=pull-request&utm_medium=comment) - [`nx run-many --targets=test:eslint,test:unit,test:types,test:build,build --parallel=3`](https://cloud.nx.app/runs/IwkmeO3mvA?utm_source=pull-request&utm_medium=comment)

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SeanCassiere commented 1 month ago

With CI failing, need to figure out what's causing this.

SeanCassiere commented 1 month ago

Looks to be conflicting vite and vitest dependencies that are causing this.

SeanCassiere commented 1 month ago

1467 should resolve these CI errors. Once merged in, you should be able to rebase and have CI pass.

SeanCassiere commented 1 month ago

@alessandrojcm When you have some time, could you update the PR and rebase with main?

The changes from #1467 should allow for the higher version of vinxi that the example was using (that required a higher vite and vitest version from our end).

alessandrojcm commented 1 month ago

@alessandrojcm When you have some time, could you update the PR and rebase with main?

The changes from #1467 should allow for the higher version of vinxi that the example was using (that required a higher vite and vitest version from our end).

Done now

SeanCassiere commented 1 month ago

@alessandrojcm thank you!
