TanStack / router

🤖 Fully typesafe Router for React (and friends) w/ built-in caching, 1st class search-param APIs, client-side cache integration and isomorphic rendering.
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tanstack.com/router is failing to render #1504

Closed apiel51 closed 3 weeks ago

apiel51 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Here's what I'm seeing in the console: image

Your Example Website or App


Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

  1. Load https://tanstack.com/router/latest

Expected behavior

As a user, I expected this site to load but it did not.

Screenshots or Videos

No response


Additional context

No response

apiel51 commented 3 weeks ago

This appears to be fixed — maybe a blip?

tannerlinsley commented 3 weeks ago

Probably a browser extension modifying the dom before hydration

yadielar commented 3 weeks ago

Still experiencing this today. It doesn't seem related to an extension since it happens in Incognito mode in Chrome, and when opening the website in other browsers.

Edit: I think I've narrowed down the problem to something more specific. If I go to https://tanstack.com and then click on the Router link, the docs render fine. But if I go to https://tanstack.com/router/latest directly via my browser address bar I encounter the error. The last case is common for me because I usually start typing "tanstack" in the address bar and choose it from the autocomplete options. It may still be an issue worth looking into.

mmorton commented 3 weeks ago

The Dark Reader extension was the thing causing it to fail for me.