TanStack / router

🤖 Fully typesafe Router for React (and friends) w/ built-in caching, 1st class search-param APIs, client-side cache integration and isomorphic rendering.
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`buildLocation` does not encode slashes in path params #1515

Closed andrejilderda closed 3 weeks ago

andrejilderda commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

When using buildLocation() with params, I expect the values of the params to be encoded. This is the case for spaces and other special characters, but not for slashes. This results in invalid router url's.

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Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

Also see the StackBlitz example above.

  1. Use buildLocation with a dynamic route segment and pass a string with a slash.
    from: '<routeWithDynamicSegment>', 
    params: { dynamicSegment: 'foo bar/baz' }
  2. Notice how the generated .href is encoded, except for the slash: /foo%20bar/baz.
  3. The naive solution would be to apply the encoding to the parameters passed to buildLocation():
    params: { dynamicSegment: encodeURIComponent(stringWithSlash) }}) };
  4. But this results in the encoding of the encoded characters…: /foo%2520bar%252Fbaz

Expected behavior

I expected the slash to be encoded for every param passed to buildLocation. Going further on the example above I expected the output to be: /foo%20bar%2Fbaz

Screenshots or Videos

No response


Additional context

Thanks for all your work! 🫶️

SeanCassiere commented 3 weeks ago

Released the fix for this in the 1.30.1 release.

andrejilderda commented 3 weeks ago

Wow, thanks for the super fast fix @SeanCassiere!! 🥇