TanStack / router

πŸ€– Fully typesafe Router for React (and friends) w/ built-in caching, 1st class search-param APIs, client-side cache integration and isomorphic rendering.
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Layout Route Contexts NOT being set on non-initial redirects in beforeLoad() #1618

Closed cpakken closed 2 weeks ago

cpakken commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Layout Route Contexts NOT being set on non-initial redirects in beforeLoad()

Repo reproduction https://github.com/cpakken/issue-tanstack-router-layout-route-context "@tanstack/react-router": "^1.32.13",

On non-initial loads, when a _layout route's beforeLoads() is triggered by navigation, router.invalidate(), the route's contex returns undefined

Please run vite dev and use Auth Dev Controls to toggle auth state changes and observe the _LAYOUT/context returns undefined


export const Route = createFileRoute('/_not_authed')({
  beforeLoad: ({ context: { auth } }) => {
    //If the user is already authenticated, redirect them to the main dashboard
    if (auth.get()) {
      console.log('redirecting to /')
      throw redirect({ to: '/' })
  component: memo(Component),

function Component() {
  const context = Route.useRouteContext() //this returns undefined on non-initial redirect
  const rootContext = useRouteContext({ from: '__root__' }) //this seems to resolve
  console.log('_not_authed/context:', context, rootContext)

  return (
    <div className="bg-gray-300">

No context in _auth


root has context image

└── πŸ“routes
    └── πŸ“_authed 
        └── index.lazy.tsx
        └── user-settings.lazy.tsx
    └── _authed.tsx
    └── πŸ“_not_authed
        └── login.lazy.tsx
        └── signup.lazy.tsx
    └── _not_authed.tsx
    └── __root.tsx

Your Example Website or App


Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

See readme.

Expected behavior

Route.useRouteContext() should return the context instead of undefined on non-initial redirects

Screenshots or Videos

No response


Additional context

No response

cpakken commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe same error as https://github.com/TanStack/router/issues/1604

cpakken commented 2 weeks ago

Also: https://github.com/TanStack/router/issues/1531

SeanCassiere commented 2 weeks ago

@cpakken I tried out your setup on 1.32.16 and either the issue has been fixed or I'm simply not seeing the issue.


Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 17 11 10


If the issue still persists, you'll need to detail the exact steps needed to be taken to recreate scenario.


  1. Go to ...
  2. When on ... reload.
  3. ...
cpakken commented 2 weeks ago

@SeanCassiere @tannerlinsley just released v1.32.16 30 minutes ago and fixes the issue. Thanks so much! β™₯