TanStack / table

🤖 Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for TS/JS - React-Table, Vue-Table, Solid-Table, Svelte-Table
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When using virtual rendering and column drag-and-drop sorting simultaneously, they don't work well together #5689

Open songchengen opened 1 month ago

songchengen commented 1 month ago

TanStack Table version


Framework/Library version

React V18.3.1; @tanstack/react-virtual V3.8.3; @dnd-kit/core v6.1.0

Describe the bug and the steps to reproduce it

  1. Slightly scroll the table body so that the scrollbar is not at the top.
  2. Try dragging the icon in the table header cell to sort.
  3. During the dragging process, slightly jiggle the mouse upwards. When you observe the scrollbar in the table body starting to scroll automatically, column sorting is no longer possible.
  4. You can only continue to drag and sort after refreshing the page.

Your Minimal, Reproducible Example - (Sandbox Highly Recommended)


Screenshots or Videos (Optional)

No response

Do you intend to try to help solve this bug with your own PR?

No, because I do not know how

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xHeaven commented 1 month ago

We are experiencing this exact same issue.

Our current workaround is setting the y to 0 on transform for both the header and the body so that none of them glitches upwards.

import { useSortable } from '@dnd-kit/sortable';
import { CSS } from '@dnd-kit/utilities';
import { Cell, flexRender } from '@tanstack/react-table';
import { cn } from '@/lib/shadcn-utils';

const DragAlongCell = ({ cell }: { cell: Cell<any, unknown> }) => {
  const { isDragging, setNodeRef, transform } = useSortable({
    id: cell.column.id
  return (
        transform: CSS.Translate.toString({ ...transform!, y: 0 }), // this is the "fix"
        width: `${cell?.column.getSize()}px`,
        minWidth: `${cell.column.columnDef.minSize}px`
        'flex items-center relative transition-all transform duration-100 ease-linear py-1 px-3 text-sm w-full h-full',
        isDragging ? 'z-[1] opacity-80' : 'opacity-100'
      <div className="w-full">{flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())}</div>

export default DragAlongCell;
songchengen commented 1 month ago

I solved it in the same way and will optimize it later. I hope to achieve the effect of ag-grid.

jayvhaile commented 4 weeks ago

I solved it in the same way and will optimize it later. I hope to achieve the effect of ag-grid.

Could you please share the fix?, experiencing the same problem, i tried setting the y to 0 on transform but still same...