Closed nqDev01 closed 6 years ago
`function getColumns(data) {
const columns = [];
const sample = data[0];
for (let key in sample) {
if (ignoreColumns.includes(key)) continue;
**if (key=='post'){
accessor: d =>,
Header: key,
style: { whiteSpace: 'normal' },
accessor: key,
Header: key,
style: { whiteSpace: 'normal' },
} return columns; }` solved it by adding this in columns , somehow accessor were being capitalize.
@nqDev01 - Can u please elaborate on how you resolved the issue? I have a similiar problem. Works well in codesandbox, but when i embed in my project, a blank table is seen. Thanks much in advance!
@nqDev01 Also having this problem. Can't seem to reproduce it in codesandbox, but even if I put the sample code from Select Tree Table here into my project the bug happens. How did you find the accessor was being capitalized?
@ranrao I've solved the issue I was having. The problem is actually a css issue. The data is there it's just hidden. My project is built on Bootstrap which includes this hidden class:
.hidden {
display: none !important;
react-table adds this class to the expandable rows, however this looks to be unnecessary. I don't see any hidden class defined in the react-table css (there is a '-hidden' however). A quick band-aid solution is to add this css with more selectors to the project to override it:
.rt-td.rt-expandable.hidden {
display: block !important;
I had the same issue (using Bootstrap). Adding the above custom css made for a quick fix!
What version of React-Table are you using?
6.8.0 Your bug may already be fixed in the latest release. Run
yarn upgrade react-table
! Place your version here...What bug are you experiencing, or what feature are you proposing?
Please include a detailed explanation here... I am trying to render Select Tree table HOC but its not showing any records on table it shows select record when i select all even logs Ids of selected rows . but data is not showing in table its shows no of records correct in paging footer. Its works for me in a separate test project with create react app. but with my project.? I am using W I ebpack 3,
Use (by clicking the "Fork" button) to reproduce the issue.
Then paste a link to your newly forked codesandbox here...
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
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when pivot off its shows recordWith pivotBy