TandoorRecipes / recipes

Application for managing recipes, planning meals, building shopping lists and much much more!
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Request for additional bulk-import options (Gourmet) #1026

Open h0rnman opened 3 years ago

h0rnman commented 3 years ago

My current recipe manager is a very old build of Gourmet, and there is something wrong the Mealmaster exports from the application. There are other options for export that are more interoperable, including raw HTML, but there is no way to bulk import those recipes.

It would be nice if there were some bulk-import options that worked on text-format recipes that could be either copy/pasted en masse, or iterated over and imported one at a time (perhaps with the same cleanup interface as currently exists). I can copy/paste recipes one at a time into the Import -> Source textbox or retype them, but for large recipe catalogs, it's too labor intensive. I don't know if the framework supports it, but some kind of interactive field mapping dialog could be helpful, especially in the cases where all of the bulk data is coming from the same source and shares the same formatting.

I am attaching 3 recipes in all formats that can be exported, and a random selection of other recipes in HTML format. They seem pretty structured, though the XML-based ones are much more import-friendly recipes.zip .

vabene1111 commented 3 years ago

thanks for the issue, i will look into this :+1:

vitoller commented 3 months ago

up until now I also use Gourmet for my recipes. - So I also would appreciate an importer.

I can understand if this is not a priority. If this is the case, I wondered if I could write a converter/importer for the format.

With python programming I have some experience, but I am new to django. So I assume a converter would be easier to program for me than an importer. - Is the Tandoor import format specified somewhere? - I could not find it.

If you think that writing an importer is not so difficult, this probably would be the better solution, but I would need some guidance on how to get going. - And it likely would need some clean up for the project when it works for me.

smilerz commented 3 months ago

up until now I also use Gourmet for my recipes. - So I also would appreciate an importer.

I can understand if this is not a priority. If this is the case, I wondered if I could write a converter/importer for the format.

With python programming I have some experience, but I am new to django. So I assume a converter would be easier to program for me than an importer. - Is the Tandoor import format specified somewhere? - I could not find it.

If you think that writing an importer is not so difficult, this probably would be the better solution, but I would need some guidance on how to get going. - And it likely would need some clean up for the project when it works for me.

You can view the approach of the other importers in the integration folder.

I'm happy to help you on Discord with any specific questions.

A couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. The importer will need to be added to app tab of /vue/src/apps/ImportView/ImportView.vue
  2. An export should be provided along with the import.