TandoorRecipes / recipes

Application for managing recipes, planning meals, building shopping lists and much much more!
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Unsuccessful setup of Tandoor behind reverse proxy #2118

Closed brewer-michael closed 1 year ago

brewer-michael commented 1 year ago


I was able to follow the provided documentation to get Tandoor setup and running in my local network. However, I have spent a week now trying to get it working behind a reverse proxy. I have many other sites loading successfully behind my proxy, so I am not looking to switch. jc21/nginx-proxy-manager is the specific implementation I'm working with, and I cannot get Recipes.conf configured to resolve incoming traffic for recipes.[mydomain].com. Environment variables are mentioned for the build of nginx-reverse-proxy listed in your documentation, but no example is provided and it does not appear that my proxy is looking for any of that to be passed to it.

Tandoor Version


OS Version

Ubuntu 20.04


Docker / Docker-Compose

Reverse Proxy

Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM)


No response

Environment file

# only set this to true when testing/debugging
# when unset: 1 (true) - dont unset this, just for development

# HTTP port to bind to

# hosts the application can run under e.g. recipes.mydomain.com,cooking.mydomain.com,...

# random secret key, use for example `base64 /dev/urandom | head -c50` to generate one
# ---------------------------- REQUIRED -------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

# your default timezone See https://timezonedb.com/time-zones for a list of timezones

# add only a database password if you want to run with the default postgres, otherwise change settings accordingly
# DB_OPTIONS= {} # e.g. {"sslmode":"require"} to enable ssl
# ---------------------------- REQUIRED -------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

# database connection string, when used overrides other database settings.
# format might vary depending on backend
# DATABASE_URL = engine://username:password@host:port/dbname

# the default value for the user preference 'fractions' (enable/disable fraction support)
# default: disabled=0

# the default value for the user preference 'comments' (enable/disable commenting system)
# default comments enabled=1

# Users can set a amount of time after which the shopping list is refreshed when they are in viewing mode
# This is the minimum interval users can set. Setting this to low will allow users to refresh very frequently which
# might cause high load on the server. (Technically they can obviously refresh as often as they want with their own scripts)

# Default for user setting sticky navbar

# If base URL is something other than just / (you are serving a subfolder in your proxy for instance http://recipe_app/recipes/)
# Be sure to not have a trailing slash: e.g. '/recipes' instead of '/recipes/'
# SCRIPT_NAME=/recipes

# If staticfiles are stored at a different location uncomment and change accordingly, MUST END IN /
# this is not required if you are just using a subfolder
# This can either be a relative path from the applications base path or the url of an external host
# STATIC_URL=/static/

# If mediafiles are stored at a different location uncomment and change accordingly, MUST END IN /
# this is not required if you are just using a subfolder
# This can either be a relative path from the applications base path or the url of an external host
# MEDIA_URL=/media/

# Serve mediafiles directly using gunicorn. Basically everyone recommends not doing this. Please use any of the examples
# provided that include an additional nxginx container to handle media file serving.
# If you know what you are doing turn this back on (1) to serve media files using djangos serve() method.
# when unset: 1 (true) - this is temporary until an appropriate amount of time has passed for everyone to migrate

# GUNICORN SERVER RELATED SETTINGS (see https://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/design.html#how-many-workers for recommended settings)

# S3 Media settings: store mediafiles in s3 or any compatible storage backend (e.g. minio)
# as long as S3_ACCESS_KEY is not set S3 features are disabled
# S3_REGION_NAME= # default none, set your region might be required
# S3_QUERYSTRING_AUTH=1 # default true, set to 0 to serve media from a public bucket without signed urls
# S3_QUERYSTRING_EXPIRE=3600 # number of seconds querystring are valid for
# S3_ENDPOINT_URL= # when using a custom endpoint like minio
# S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN= # when using a CDN/proxy to S3 (see https://github.com/TandoorRecipes/recipes/issues/1943)

# Email Settings, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#email-host
# Required for email confirmation and password reset (automatically activates if host is set)
# email sender address (default 'webmaster@localhost')
# prefix used for account related emails (default "[Tandoor Recipes] ")

# allow authentication via reverse proxy (e.g. authelia), leave off if you dont know what you are doing
# see docs for more information https://vabene1111.github.io/recipes/features/authentication/
# when unset: 0 (false)

# Default settings for spaces, apply per space and can be changed in the admin view
# SPACE_DEFAULT_MAX_RECIPES=0 # 0=unlimited recipes
# SPACE_DEFAULT_MAX_USERS=0 # 0=unlimited users per space
# SPACE_DEFAULT_MAX_FILES=0 # Maximum file storage for space in MB. 0 for unlimited, -1 to disable file upload.
# SPACE_DEFAULT_ALLOW_SHARING=1 # Allow users to share recipes with public links

# allow people to create accounts on your application instance (without an invite link)
# when unset: 0 (false)

# If signup is enabled you might want to add a captcha to it to prevent spam

# if signup is enabled you might want to provide urls to data protection policies or terms and conditions

# enable serving of prometheus metrics under the /metrics path
# ATTENTION: view is not secured (as per the prometheus default way) so make sure to secure it
# trough your web server (or leave it open of you dont care if the stats are exposed)

# allows you to setup OAuth providers
# see docs for more information https://vabene1111.github.io/recipes/features/authentication/
# SOCIAL_PROVIDERS = allauth.socialaccount.providers.github, allauth.socialaccount.providers.nextcloud,

# Should a newly created user from a social provider get assigned to the default space and given permission by default ?
# ATTENTION: This feature might be deprecated in favor of a space join and public viewing system in the future
# default 0 (false), when 1 (true) users will be assigned space and group

# if SOCIAL_DEFAULT_ACCESS is used, which group should be added

# Django session cookie settings. Can be changed to allow a single django application to authenticate several applications
# when running under the same database
# SESSION_COOKIE_NAME=sessionid # use this only to not interfere with non unified django applications under the same top level domain

# by default SORT_TREE_BY_NAME is disabled this will store all Keywords and Food in the order they are created
# enabling this setting makes saving new keywords and foods very slow, which doesn't matter in most usecases.
# however, when doing large imports of recipes that will create new objects, can increase total run time by 10-15x
# Keywords and Food can be manually sorted by name in Admin
# This value can also be temporarily changed in Admin, it will revert the next time the application is started
# This will be fixed/changed in the future by changing the implementation or finding a better workaround for sorting
# LDAP authentication
# default 0 (false), when 1 (true) list of allowed users will be fetched from LDAP server

# Enables exporting PDF (see export docs)
# Disabled by default, uncomment to enable

# Recipe exports are cached for a certain time by default, adjust time if needed

Docker-Compose file

version: "3"
    restart: always
    image: postgres:11-alpine
    container_name: db_recipes
      - ./postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    - /var/lib/docker/volumes/media/_data/recipes/.env
    - proxynet

    restart: always
    image: vabene1111/recipes
    container_name: web_recipes
      - /var/lib/docker/volumes/media/_data/recipes/.env
      - staticfiles:/opt/recipes/staticfiles
      - nginx_config:/opt/recipes/nginx/conf.d
      - ./mediafiles:/opt/recipes/mediafiles
      - db_recipes
      - proxynet

    image: nginx:mainline-alpine
    container_name: nginx_recipes
    restart: always
      - 8080:80
      - /var/lib/docker/volumes/media/_data/recipes/.env
      - web_recipes
      - nginx_config:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro
      - staticfiles:/static:ro
      - ./mediafiles:/media:ro
      - proxynet
      - lan

    name: proxynet

Relevant logs

No response

smilerz commented 1 year ago

the /opt/recipes/nginx/conf.d has the nginx config required to make tandoor work - you need to implement that on your existing nginx and get rid of the extra nginx container.

Note: to get rid of the extra nginx container the media directory would need to be accessible and served from the existing nginx setup

plumped commented 1 year ago

the /opt/recipes/nginx/conf.d has the nginx config required to make tandoor work - you need to implement that on your existing nginx and get rid of the extra nginx container.

Note: to get rid of the extra nginx container the media directory would need to be accessible and served from the existing nginx setup

Can you please give some detailed manual on this? Trying since days to run with npm. Thank you in advance. Eventually @vabene1111 has some input too?

NickSica commented 9 months ago

the /opt/recipes/nginx/conf.d has the nginx config required to make tandoor work - you need to implement that on your existing nginx and get rid of the extra nginx container. Note: to get rid of the extra nginx container the media directory would need to be accessible and served from the existing nginx setup

Can you please give some detailed manual on this? Trying since days to run with npm. Thank you in advance. Eventually @vabene1111 has some input too?

Did you ever get this working? I'm having a similar issue with Caddy that's external to the docker images. It has a lot of issues trying to serve the static files.

smilerz commented 9 months ago

to get rid of the extra nginx container the media directory would need to be accessible and served from the existin

see #1724 if it still doesn't work please open a unique issue.

NickSica commented 9 months ago

to get rid of the extra nginx container the media directory would need to be accessible and served from the existin

see #1724 if it still doesn't work please open a unique issue.

I think another big issue is me using a subfolder instead of subdomain since it can't find the static files. I'll open another issue, thank you.