TandoorRecipes / recipes

Application for managing recipes, planning meals, building shopping lists and much much more!
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Shopping List #2535

Open vabene1111 opened 1 year ago

vabene1111 commented 1 year ago

Nice to have new stuff

Things to re-add after broken during changes on feature/shopping-ui

freakshock88 commented 11 months ago

Would it be possible to add a possibility to 'order' the shopping list? And by this I mean mostly the manually added (quick entry) items that are not linked to a supermarket category. This way I can order my list before going to the store. It would be great if the API could also place these items in a specific index in the list, that way I can perhaps use something like ChatGPT to order the list for me without having to do the work of linking a supermarket category to each (non-recipe) shopping list entry.

vabene1111 commented 11 months ago

so i definitely recommend just adding things to categories, after a few weeks you will have most of what you buy sorted and it will be much easier. That said I do want to support an additional "order" property

goinsandrew commented 10 months ago

Should include an "Isle #" as well. Some people like to optimize their shopping.

benteer commented 9 months ago

add food item in this website

smilerz commented 9 months ago

add food item in this website

What does this mean?

andre161292 commented 6 months ago

It would be nice to also have a way to add non-food items and not having them pop up in the "Foods"-List.

Is anything in this direction on the roadmap?

Edit: Sorry, i saw issue #1137 just now.

DorianHawkmoon commented 6 months ago

How about having multiple shopping categories for the same food/ingredient? I mean having for instance Frozen Salmon under the Frozen category, but also under the Fish category. Supermarkets usually have them under both categories.

vabene1111 commented 6 months ago

But how would you order the list then? by fish or by frozen?

one product is usually only in one place at least here in germany.

dinjarin007 commented 4 months ago

Great application by the way. Can shopping lists be grouped together by recipes be added to the mobile apps? Or better yet the ability to create multiple shopping lists that way one can customize however they want instead of using filters

smilerz commented 4 months ago

Great application by the way. Can shopping lists be grouped together by recipes be added to the mobile apps? Or better yet the ability to create multiple shopping lists that way one can customize however they want instead of using filters

The mobile app is a different project.

dinjarin007 commented 4 months ago

Great application by the way. Can shopping lists be grouped together by recipes be added to the mobile apps? Or better yet the ability to create multiple shopping lists that way one can customize however they want instead of using filters

The mobile app is a different project.

Okay didn't realize that. With different shopping lists it should span across all platforms. Is it already in the works? If so I apologize

vabene1111 commented 4 months ago

different shopping lists are something we had in the past but are currently not implemented. But its something I really want back as I need it as well, see the top of the list for planned stuff.