TangKe / SlideMenu

A simple SlideMenu library with two menu behind content for Android developer, just feel free to fork, this project need your contribution.
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How to check if menu has closed? #8

Open Bekakk opened 7 years ago

Bekakk commented 7 years ago

Hi I'm using your repository and I have one question. Is it a possible to check when menu closed.Here is a your method,whitch does not has static duration

` public void smoothScrollContentTo(int targetOffset, float velocity) { setCurrentState(STATE_SCROLL); int distance = targetOffset - mCurrentContentOffset; velocity = Math.abs(velocity); int duration = 400; if (velocity > 0) { duration = 3 Math.round(1000 Math.abs(distance / velocity)); } duration = Math.min(duration, MAX_DURATION); mScroller.abortAnimation(); mScroller.startScroll(mCurrentContentOffset, 0, distance, 0, duration); invalidate(); }

Simple I want to call my function,when menu has closed successfully Thanks`