Tanganelli / CoAPthon3

CoAPthon3 is a porting to python3 of my CoAPthon library. CoAPthon3 is a python3 library to the CoAP protocol compliant with the RFC. Branch is available for the Twisted framework.
MIT License
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Get binary response from server in Client #21

Open MartinEnders opened 5 years ago

MartinEnders commented 5 years ago

Hello Giacomo Tanganelli,

To receive binary data from the CoAP Server it can only be sent with content_type application/octet-stream other content types like application/cbor can be used within the server but are not recognized as binary from the client.

I think the following line has to be modified: https://github.com/Tanganelli/CoAPthon3/blob/master/coapthon/serializer.py#L117

Currently the payload of the response from the server is only treated as as binary when the content type is set to application/octet-stream. Maybe you could extend this to application/cbor

Best Regards Martin