Tanganelli / CoAPthon3

CoAPthon3 is a porting to python3 of my CoAPthon library. CoAPthon3 is a python3 library to the CoAP protocol compliant with the RFC. Branch is available for the Twisted framework.
MIT License
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On RST with empty response, transaction.response could be None #50

Open phc-1020 opened 7 months ago

phc-1020 commented 7 months ago

During RST command, if the transaction response is empty, the field transaction.response may still be None. However, it is referenced at line 174 in file coapthon/layers/messagelayer.py, function receive_empty(): elif not transaction.response.acknowledged: Suggestion: first check if transaction.response is not None: elif (transaction.response is not None) and (not transaction.response.acknowledged): This is exactly what is done in the case of the ACK command, at line 169 of the same file.