TangentFoxy / Pop.Box

(ON HOLD) Pop.Box is an easy to use GUI library for the LÖVE engine, intended for rapid prototyping.
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link

Ideas reference based on WPF stuffs a bit #12

Open TangentFoxy opened 8 years ago

TangentFoxy commented 8 years ago

Just copied from a file in a deleted branch:

Element - a box with no visual component, base of every element
Slider - is vertical or horizontal, has a size and position, just stores a value for where the slider is (between 0 and 1)
Box - box, has size and color
Text - boxed text, does no wordwrapping or anything, just raw text
ScrollBox - a box area, with a Slider (or two) as needed (handled entirely internally), takes over drawing of its children
            note: only one child allowed, needs to know the size of the contained element
Grid - box area with rows and columns, place objects in it based on these grid values, this is for placement only,
       (custom sizing of grid boxes like WPF?), drawing is still handled by the internals (things can go outside of their grid)
       does not limit elements within it
RadioGroup - manages a series of Radio buttons, non-visual element for grouping purposes
             (contains reference specifically for the selected radio)
Radio - Small clickable circle, must be inside a RadioGroup element (true selected value)
CheckBox - Small clickable box, true/false checked value
DropMenu - click to open a dropdown menu, click to select an item
TextBox - primarily for input, multiline or single-line, scrolls as needed, allows text input (can also output of course..)
          (option for disable/enable editing, and option for hiding input text with placeholder (for password input for example))
ProgressBar - You know what this is. Value between 0 and 1.

Border - not needed, just use a box behind other things or above them ?
Button - anything can be a button using the click event
Image - not needed, just use an image background on something else
Label - Text element does this
List - Use a ScrollBox with internal elements
Tab - Implement yourself / I need to do this later, or as an extra
Canvas - ? I might want to make my own wrapper for a canvas
Menu - Implement yourself, a button that makes other elements appear
TangentFoxy commented 7 years ago

Continue to reference this!