TangentFoxy / Pop.Box

(ON HOLD) Pop.Box is an easy to use GUI library for the LÖVE engine, intended for rapid prototyping.
MIT License
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Element automatically updates when a property describing it is modified #59

Open TangentFoxy opened 7 years ago

TangentFoxy commented 7 years ago

(think immediate mode GUI?) (related to #26 )

The problem with this idea is things like alignment. It can be solved be adding a listener to EVERY BIT OF DATA, but I'm not sure if I want to do that or not.

Maybe this can be solved by adding a metatable to all @data objects? Then I can listen to everything without having to check it constantly and store duplicates (which would have been the really stupid way to do it).

This should definitely be an optional expansion if I do it at all.

TangentFoxy commented 7 years ago

This is supposed to be a feature of the library, not an expansion.

TangentFoxy commented 7 years ago

But how do I know the difference between one of the internal functions updating a value and it being updated externally? This is an issue to figure out much later.