TangibleInc / template-system

A template system for WordPress with content type loops and conditions
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Consider template JSON files in a theme folder for portability and fast access #123

Open eliot-akira opened 2 months ago

eliot-akira commented 2 months ago

As suggested by Phil Rips in the forums: How to sync L&L files across multiple domains. The idea is to pre-parse templates into JSON files in a theme folder at "compile" time (on save).

If L&L wanted to simplify the migration of templates to other websites/domains, the team could implement something similar to the Local JSON feature for ACF.

Local JSON is a helpful feature which saves field groups, post types, taxonomies, and option pages as JSON files within your theme. The idea is similar to caching, and both dramatically speeds up ACF and allows for version control over your field settings!

All .json files within the acf-json folder are loaded during ACF’s initialization procedure.

Advanced Custom Fields: Local JSON