The way the claimableRent array is constructed guarantees that all entries within it have a non-zero rent balance to be claimed.
// iterate through all TNFT contracts supported by this basket.
for (uint256 i; i < tnftsSupported.length;) {
address tnft = tnftsSupported[i];
// for each TNFT supported, make a batch call to the rent manager for all rent claimable for the array of tokenIds.
uint256[] memory claimables = _getRentManager(tnft).claimableRentForTokenBatch(tokenIdLibrary[tnft]);
// iterate through the array of claimable rent for each tokenId for each TNFT and push it to the master claimableRent array.
for (uint256 j; j < claimables.length;) {
uint256 amountClaimable = claimables[j];
if (amountClaimable > 0) {
claimableRent[counter] = RentData(tnft, tokenIdLibrary[tnft][j], amountClaimable);
unchecked {
unchecked {
unchecked {
// start iterating through the master claimable rent array claiming rent for each token.
uint256 index;
while (_withdrawAmount > primaryRentToken.balanceOf(address(this)) && index < counter) {
IRentManager rentManager = _getRentManager(claimableRent[index].tnft);
uint256 tokenId = claimableRent[index].tokenId;
if (rentManager.claimableRentForToken(tokenId) > 0) {
uint256 preBal = primaryRentToken.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 claimedRent = rentManager.claimRentForToken(tokenId);
require(primaryRentToken.balanceOf(address(this)) == (preBal + claimedRent), "claiming error");
unchecked {
We advise the referenced if conditional to be omitted, greatly optimizing the function's gas cost.
BTE-06C: Redundant Evaluation of Claimable Rent
The way the
array is constructed guarantees that all entries within it have a non-zero rent balance to be claimed.Example:
We advise the referenced
conditional to be omitted, greatly optimizing the function's gas cost.