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Bug/Issue tracking for TekTopia testing
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Guards only attack vanilla zombies #1034

Open kihgy opened 4 years ago

kihgy commented 4 years ago

Describe Guards doesnt attack zombie mobs from other mods e.g: shambling husk from Thaumcraft, Dweller from Quark To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce Spawn a zombie from another in your village and see the villagers ignore them

Expected behavior Normal guards and villagers will register them as zombies as react to them

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Server/Location What server were you playing on? Main(Survival) or Dev (Creative)? What are the world coordinates of your town hall marker?

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

smmmadden commented 4 years ago

To my knowledge there is no support or implied support for this mod to interact with any other mod.

I wouldn't expect any villager to interact with other mobs. I use several of my own mods with Tektopia and they include ores, blocks and items but they are not supported directly from Tektopia nor would I expect them too since it would be a different set of code. Same scenario applies to other mods not being supported.

kihgy commented 4 years ago

here is my suggetion: not just zombie mobs, but also other mobs will attack villagers, Ice and fire mobs are very good example, most of mobs will attack villagers. To fix this then I propose a hostile mobs listing system in the config, every mobs that is listed will be treated similar to zombies, villagers run from them, guards attacking them onsight

kihgy commented 4 years ago

some hostile evil mobs that are tamable will also attack villager, like Ice and Fire dragons, if that is the case then maybe if the mobs is tamed, they will be bypassed the other hostile mobs treating, and will be treated like normal, until they may attack a villager, and got slashed like normal

DoomRater commented 4 years ago

Assuming there is some way that other mobs in a hostile list can report back on query if they're hostile or not, and everyone agrees to use this method, we could have a winner for mod interaction. Animania's bulls become hostile to the player if injured and it takes a while for them to calm down. Same with roosters.

It's just better if the mods can figure this stuff out on their own without a modpack owner having to list everything for TekTopia, though I welcome some way to do so via config or even CraftTweaker.