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Bug/Issue tracking for TekTopia testing
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Miner dont claim mine #1035

Open Whiper123 opened 4 years ago

Whiper123 commented 4 years ago

i have 3 miner and they dont claim their mines anymore. they got everything they need :(

i think after i put a heart on a empty bed the miners bugged. i dont know how i can fix it

smmmadden commented 4 years ago

you may not have noticed but the token on the Mineshaft, is it disabled or still glowing and the mineshaft fully mined? If you don't have a strong enough druid or enough druids, the mines will not get sealed for the Miner to continue mining. What I had to do until then was add a command block that filled the mines until I had both enough druids and strong enough to take care of all three mineshafts.

Whiper123 commented 4 years ago

mineshaft glows and i dont have a druid, dude my 23 big village is f*king broken now :(

smmmadden commented 4 years ago

no idea what the miner has to do with a completely broken village, you only stated the miner isn't claiming the mineshaft. Make sure you are using Forge build 2768 and dont have other mods that could interfere with Tektopia. Especially with mechanics of what each villager does. Check the wiki page for more details. https://sites.google.com/view/tektopia

swccg commented 4 years ago

Without a druid mines don't take long to be mined out. I recommend making three new mines, near the old ones, and just moving the tokens over. Or, you can go down each mine to where they end and mine out around the end, see if your miners were stopped by the village border or lava/water they couldn't manage. It happens. If so, then, patch that up yourself. If that's not it, verify there's nothing blocking their path to the mines. Share an update when you have one, please.