TangoTek / TekTopia-Community

Bug/Issue tracking for TekTopia testing
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using the config file instead of the gamerule #1049

Open kihgy opened 4 years ago

kihgy commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug there are options that are more suitable for then to be put in a single config, plus config is more superior to a gamerule anyway

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: provided above

Expected behavior config options can be edited in-game, take a look at the animania mod, or Ice and Fire, they can be shared between worlds, they are clear for players to know whats going on. If not, I have some suggestions for options in the config: a list of hostile mobs that can be put that will alarm villagers and guards a population cap that when reached, villagers will stop producing hearts should the inflation system be used? should the villager item system be used at all? should animals require feeding or they will starve? should eating one type of food continuosly make villagers sad? should guards interract with vanilla villagers? kill or protect them?

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Server/Location What server were you playing on? Main(Survival) or Dev (Creative)? What are the world coordinates of your town hall marker?

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

rdster commented 4 years ago

Putting all of the options you suggest in a config file would ruin the fun/point of the mod.

Making changes to a config file will still require players to read to understand what is going on....if they won't read the wiki now to understand, they won't read anything explaining what's in the config file either.

No villager item??? What's the point of the mod then? The player can just do everything, no need for villagers.

smmmadden commented 4 years ago

@rdster - I think the point @kihgy was trying to make is that there are many features that could be improved and allow server owners to tweak based on their user community. Some of what was stated has come up many times in discord and github, since the initial release in August.

The biggest one for me is the thousands and thousands of "DEBUG" lines that get written to the console/logs. There SHOULD be a config file that can turn on/off these message along with other settings like interactions with other entities, farming, caps, etc. It's more about evolving the current state so that it can be more fun for players.

Training of players is up to the respective server owners and there are numerous ways to make it seamless with other mods or customizations.

rdster commented 4 years ago

I don't disagree at all about the debug msgs, they are insane!

However, disabling Villager items...what's the point? It's no longer TekTopia after that.

Other mods make other mobs hostile to TekTopia villagers...