TangoTek / TekTopia-Community

Bug/Issue tracking for TekTopia testing
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Issue: Villages not generating right. #1051

Open Gremzy opened 4 years ago

Gremzy commented 4 years ago

I have a modpack I made for my own private use. But I can't figure out why the world generation is messing up. Idk if it has to do with Forestry, Ice and Fire, or what. Please help?

Gremzy commented 4 years ago

2020-01-17_17 40 28

Another thing to mention it's spawning normal villagers instead of Tektopian Villagers, besides of course the architect and tradesman. (sometimes)

smmmadden commented 4 years ago

not all mods will work with TekTopia - read the wiki where TangoTek mentions any compatibility is shear luck! You have to be very selective and NOT introduce mods which attempt to change basic features of TekTopia. For example, the villagers interact with their surroundings, so Dynamic Trees is not going to work, any villager mechanics added will also break things. Wiki page: https://sites.google.com/view/tektopia I did find some mods that compliment the game with no issues, so it is possible once you read how the mechanics are working. :-)

rdster commented 4 years ago

Tektopia doesn't change the way villages generate, so this is either just a fun vanilla generation, or another mod hosed it.