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Bug/Issue tracking for TekTopia testing
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Villagers just stand still #1065

Open edb214 opened 4 years ago

edb214 commented 4 years ago

I just downloaded Tektopia for Forge (1.12.2) and used the seed 22222, then /village nearby. Teleported there and all the villagers just stand still. Right clicked with profession token does nothing except open up their inventory/stats. Pushing them about is the only way they move, and I can interact with the Architekt, Tradesman, and Merchant to purchase things. They make no noise except when I hit them, and so far do not seem to be losing health hunger or happiness (again, they only lose health when I hit them). Also I keep getting a message saying the Nomad cannot reach the village - not sure if it's related. Attached is an in-game image of the villagers.

Edit: I tried using spawn eggs and the villagers did have symbols above their head indicating needs, however similarly stood still. Some villages also made the 'Villager Angers' noise unprompted, however with seemingly no impact.

Screenshot (8)

MagmaBro123 commented 3 years ago

Mod is dead. No updates since last year.

smmmadden commented 3 years ago

The mod is NOT dead by any means. It is still widely used and still works. Posting that on every issue is a good way to get banned from here. If TangoTek wants to update it for later versions, that's entirely at his discretion and only he (and his moderators) should make that claim.