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Bug/Issue tracking for TekTopia testing
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DynamicTrees support. #1066

Open MagmaBro123 opened 3 years ago

mandar1jn commented 3 years ago

Please add some more info. I am working on a rewrite and checking these issues for things to fix

MagmaBro123 commented 3 years ago

Allow the villagers to cut trees down and use the seeds and wood from them.

Lumin0x1 commented 3 years ago

You can sort of fix this issue by opening your mods folder, making your way to the configs. Once there, go to the CFG file for dynamic trees, open it, and change “#right clicking with vanilla sapling places a dynamic sapling instead.“ to false. This wont let lumberjacks chop dynamic trees, but it lets you place normal ones they can chop.

MagmaBro123 commented 3 years ago

They could easily just use the items rather then me doing it manually...