Closed chengzhag closed 1 year ago
The code is simple. I pose code snippets here for reference.
from torchmetrics.image.fid import FrechetInceptionDistance
fid = FrechetInceptionDistance(feature=2048).cuda()
data_loader =
gt_dataset, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=num_workers, prefetch_factor=prefetch_factor)
gen_dataloader =
gen_dataset, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=num_workers, prefetch_factor=prefetch_factor)
# Accumulate statistics.
mu = 0
sigma = 0
for images_gen in tqdm.tqdm(gen_dataloader):
images_gen = rearrange(images_gen, 'b l h w c -> (b l) c h w')
fid.update(images_gen.cuda(), real=False)
for images_gt in tqdm.tqdm(data_loader): # , fake_dataloader)):
images_gt = rearrange(images_gt.cuda(), 'b l h w c -> (b l) c h w')
fid.update(images_gt, real=True)
Got it. Thanks for the prompt reply. Can I presume it's evaluated in perspective views? Since the data from the dataloader has 'l' images, which seem to be different views of a single panorama.
Thanks a lot. I'm closing the issue.
Hi Shitao, Sorry for reopening the issue. You proposed "overlapping PSNR" to evaluate the consistency between overlapping views. Would you mind releasing the evaluation code, especially this part?
I still pose code snippets here.
def compute_psnr_masked(img1, img2, mask):
img1_masked = img1[mask]/255
img2_masked = img2[mask]/255
mse = np.mean((img1_masked - img2_masked)**2)
if mse == 0:
return float('inf')
max_pixel_value = 255.0
psnr = -10*np.log10(mse)
return psnr
def compute_psnr(img1, img2, K, R):
im_h, im_w, _ = img1.shape
homo_matrix = K@R@np.linalg.inv(K)
mask = np.ones((im_h, im_w))
img_warp2 = cv2.warpPerspective(img2, homo_matrix, (im_w, im_h))
mask = cv2.warpPerspective(mask, homo_matrix, (im_w, im_h)) == 1
psnr = compute_psnr_masked(img1, img_warp2, mask)
return psnr
def calculate_inception_stats(
num_workers=2, prefetch_factor=2, device=torch.device('cuda'),
data_loader =
dataset, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=1, prefetch_factor=prefetch_factor)
for _iter, (images, R, K) in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(data_loader)):
images = images.numpy()
for b in range(images.shape[0]):
for i in range(images.shape[1]):
if i==images.shape[1]-1:
R_rel=np.linalg.inv(R[b, idx1])@R[b, idx2]
psnr=compute_psnr(images[b, idx1], images[b, idx2], K[b, i], R_rel)
Thank Shitao for your code snippets.
I went through the test process with the pretrained checkpoint and got the evaluation results: FID: 19.47 IS: 7.40 CS: 24.70 overlapping PSNR: 24.25
Can you confirm if these results are correct?
The full code I used is attached below:
from torchmetrics.image.fid import FrechetInceptionDistance
from torchmetrics.image.inception import InceptionScore
from torchmetrics.multimodal.clip_score import CLIPScore
from torchmetrics.image import PeakSignalNoiseRatio
import torch
import argparse
import tqdm
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from einops import rearrange
from src.dataset.utils import get_K_R
from src.dataset.Matterport3D import warp_img
from src.models.pano.utils import get_correspondences
from collections import defaultdict
import torch.nn.functional as F
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('--result_dir', type=str, required=True,
help='Directory where results are saved')
parser.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=4,
help='Number of workers for dataloader')
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=4,
help='Batch size')
return parser.parse_args()
def compute_psnr_masked(img1, img2, mask):
img1_masked = img1[mask]/255
img2_masked = img2[mask]/255
mse = np.mean((img1_masked - img2_masked)**2)
if mse == 0:
return float('inf')
max_pixel_value = 255.0
psnr = -10*np.log10(mse)
return psnr
def compute_psnr(img1, img2, K, R):
im_h, im_w, _ = img1.shape
homo_matrix = K@R@np.linalg.inv(K)
mask = np.ones((im_h, im_w))
img_warp2 = cv2.warpPerspective(img2, homo_matrix, (im_w, im_h))
mask = cv2.warpPerspective(mask, homo_matrix, (im_w, im_h)) == 1
psnr = compute_psnr_masked(img1, img_warp2, mask)
return psnr
class MVResultDataset(
def __init__(self, result_dir):
self.result_dir = result_dir
self.scenes = os.listdir(result_dir)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.scenes)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
num_views = 8
images_gt = []
images_gen = []
Rs = []
cameras = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(num_views):
for images, ext in zip([images_gt, images_gen], ["_natural.png", ".png"]):
img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.result_dir, self.scenes[idx], f"{i}{ext}"))
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
theta = (360 / num_views * i) % 360
K, R = get_K_R(90, theta, 0, *img.shape[:2])
images_gt = np.stack(images_gt, axis=0)
images_gen = np.stack(images_gen, axis=0)
K = np.stack([K]*len(Rs)).astype(np.float32)
R = np.stack(Rs).astype(np.float32)
for k, v in cameras.items():
cameras[k] = np.stack(v)
prompt_dir = os.path.join(self.result_dir, self.scenes[idx], "prompt.txt")
prompt = []
with open(prompt_dir, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
return {
'images_gt': images_gt,
'images_gen': images_gen,
'K': K,
'R': R,
'cameras': cameras,
'prompt': prompt
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()
fid = FrechetInceptionDistance(feature=2048).cuda()
inception = InceptionScore().cuda()
cs = CLIPScore().cuda()
psnr = PeakSignalNoiseRatio(data_range=1.0)
dataset = MVResultDataset(args.result_dir)
data_loader =
dataset, num_workers=args.num_workers, batch_size=args.batch_size)
for batch in tqdm.tqdm(data_loader):
images_gt = rearrange(batch['images_gt'].cuda(), 'b l h w c -> (b l) c h w')
images_gen = rearrange(batch['images_gen'].cuda(), 'b l h w c -> (b l) c h w')
fid.update(images_gt, real=True)
fid.update(images_gen, real=False)
prompt_reshape = sum(map(list, zip(*batch['prompt'])), [])
cs.update(images_gen, prompt_reshape)
correspondences = get_correspondences(
batch['R'], batch['K'],
batch['cameras']['height'][0, 0].item(), batch['cameras']['width'][0, 0].item())
correspondences[..., 0] = correspondences[..., 0] / (batch['cameras']['width'][0, 0] - 1) * 2 - 1
correspondences[..., 1] = correspondences[..., 1] / (batch['cameras']['height'][0, 0] - 1) * 2 - 1
masks = ((correspondences > -1) & (correspondences < 1)).all(-1)
# overlap_mat = masks.any(-1).any(-1)
m = correspondences.shape[1]
for i in range(m):
j = (i + 1) % m
xy_l = correspondences[:, j, i]
mask = masks[:, j, i]
image_src = batch['images_gen'][:, i].permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float() / 255
image_warp = F.grid_sample(image_src, xy_l, align_corners=True)
image_tgt = batch['images_gen'][:, j].permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float() / 255
mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, 3, -1, -1)
psnr.update(image_warp[mask], image_tgt[mask])
images = batch['images_gen'].numpy()
for b in range(images.shape[0]):
for i in range(images.shape[1]):
if i==images.shape[1]-1:
R_rel=np.linalg.inv(R[b, idx1])@R[b, idx2]
p=compute_psnr(images[b, idx1], images[b, idx2], K[b, i], R_rel)
print(f"FID: {fid.compute()}")
print(f"IS: {inception.compute()}")
print(f"CS: {cs.compute()}")
print(f"PSNR: {psnr.compute()}")
print(f"PSNR (author's code): {np.mean(psnrs)}")
The clip score seems not correct here. Do you combine all the texts and then compute the combined text with each perspective images? For PSNR, it's also a bit lower, but I guess that's due to variance.
The CLIP score is currently calculated between each perspective image and its corresponding text prompt. Should I "combine all the texts and then compute the combined text with each perspective images"?
I'm not sure what happened in your codes, but here are my codes
for images_gen, prompt, prompts in tqdm.tqdm(gen_dataloader):
for b in range(images_fake.shape[0]):
for i in range(images_gen.shape[1]):
score += metric(images_gen[b, i], prompts[i][b])
Thanks again for the help. I tried the provided code using torchmetrics.multimodal.clip_score.CLIPScore
with default model openai/clip-vit-large-patch14
, and got the same result:
Would it be possible for I am using a different model or metric implementation, that causes the difference? Would you mind sharing your library and settings for evaluating CS?
I also use the default model. Can you give me some sample images for sanity check?
Sure. Here is a sample test result for 001499e78f734a4eaf14e727140baf21_skybox0_sami.jpg_001499e78f734a4eaf14e727140baf21:
I acctually use 'openai/clip-vit-base-patch16', and the Clip score for this is 31.68.
Thanks a lot for confirming. I tried the same model, and the CS is now 29.93, close to your results.
Thanks again for your time and effort. Closing the issue.
Thank Shitao for your code snippets.
I went through the test process with the pretrained checkpoint and got the evaluation results: FID: 19.47 IS: 7.40 CS: 24.70 overlapping PSNR: 24.25
Can you confirm if these results are correct?
The full code I used is attached below:
from torchmetrics.image.fid import FrechetInceptionDistance from torchmetrics.image.inception import InceptionScore from torchmetrics.multimodal.clip_score import CLIPScore from torchmetrics.image import PeakSignalNoiseRatio import torch import argparse import tqdm import os import cv2 import numpy as np from einops import rearrange from src.dataset.utils import get_K_R from src.dataset.Matterport3D import warp_img from src.models.pano.utils import get_correspondences from collections import defaultdict import torch.nn.functional as F torch.manual_seed(0) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--result_dir', type=str, required=True, help='Directory where results are saved') parser.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=4, help='Number of workers for dataloader') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=4, help='Batch size') return parser.parse_args() def compute_psnr_masked(img1, img2, mask): img1_masked = img1[mask]/255 img2_masked = img2[mask]/255 mse = np.mean((img1_masked - img2_masked)**2) if mse == 0: return float('inf') max_pixel_value = 255.0 psnr = -10*np.log10(mse) return psnr def compute_psnr(img1, img2, K, R): im_h, im_w, _ = img1.shape homo_matrix = K@R@np.linalg.inv(K) mask = np.ones((im_h, im_w)) img_warp2 = cv2.warpPerspective(img2, homo_matrix, (im_w, im_h)) mask = cv2.warpPerspective(mask, homo_matrix, (im_w, im_h)) == 1 psnr = compute_psnr_masked(img1, img_warp2, mask) return psnr class MVResultDataset( def __init__(self, result_dir): self.result_dir = result_dir self.scenes = os.listdir(result_dir) def __len__(self): return len(self.scenes) def __getitem__(self, idx): num_views = 8 images_gt = [] images_gen = [] Rs = [] cameras = defaultdict(list) for i in range(num_views): for images, ext in zip([images_gt, images_gen], ["_natural.png", ".png"]): img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.result_dir, self.scenes[idx], f"{i}{ext}")) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) images.append(img) theta = (360 / num_views * i) % 360 K, R = get_K_R(90, theta, 0, *img.shape[:2]) Rs.append(R) cameras['height'].append(img.shape[0]) cameras['width'].append(img.shape[1]) cameras['FoV'].append(90) cameras['theta'].append(theta) cameras['phi'].append(0) images_gt = np.stack(images_gt, axis=0) images_gen = np.stack(images_gen, axis=0) K = np.stack([K]*len(Rs)).astype(np.float32) R = np.stack(Rs).astype(np.float32) for k, v in cameras.items(): cameras[k] = np.stack(v) prompt_dir = os.path.join(self.result_dir, self.scenes[idx], "prompt.txt") prompt = [] with open(prompt_dir, 'r') as f: for line in f: prompt.append(line.strip()) return { 'images_gt': images_gt, 'images_gen': images_gen, 'K': K, 'R': R, 'cameras': cameras, 'prompt': prompt } if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() fid = FrechetInceptionDistance(feature=2048).cuda() inception = InceptionScore().cuda() cs = CLIPScore().cuda() psnr = PeakSignalNoiseRatio(data_range=1.0) psnrs=[] dataset = MVResultDataset(args.result_dir) data_loader = dataset, num_workers=args.num_workers, batch_size=args.batch_size) for batch in tqdm.tqdm(data_loader): images_gt = rearrange(batch['images_gt'].cuda(), 'b l h w c -> (b l) c h w') images_gen = rearrange(batch['images_gen'].cuda(), 'b l h w c -> (b l) c h w') fid.update(images_gt, real=True) fid.update(images_gen, real=False) inception.update(images_gen) prompt_reshape = sum(map(list, zip(*batch['prompt'])), []) cs.update(images_gen, prompt_reshape) correspondences = get_correspondences( batch['R'], batch['K'], batch['cameras']['height'][0, 0].item(), batch['cameras']['width'][0, 0].item()) correspondences[..., 0] = correspondences[..., 0] / (batch['cameras']['width'][0, 0] - 1) * 2 - 1 correspondences[..., 1] = correspondences[..., 1] / (batch['cameras']['height'][0, 0] - 1) * 2 - 1 masks = ((correspondences > -1) & (correspondences < 1)).all(-1) # overlap_mat = masks.any(-1).any(-1) m = correspondences.shape[1] for i in range(m): j = (i + 1) % m xy_l = correspondences[:, j, i] mask = masks[:, j, i] image_src = batch['images_gen'][:, i].permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float() / 255 image_warp = F.grid_sample(image_src, xy_l, align_corners=True) image_tgt = batch['images_gen'][:, j].permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float() / 255 mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, 3, -1, -1) psnr.update(image_warp[mask], image_tgt[mask]) images = batch['images_gen'].numpy() R=batch['R'].numpy() K=batch['K'].numpy() for b in range(images.shape[0]): for i in range(images.shape[1]): idx1=i if i==images.shape[1]-1: idx2=0 else: idx2=i+1 R_rel=np.linalg.inv(R[b, idx1])@R[b, idx2] p=compute_psnr(images[b, idx1], images[b, idx2], K[b, i], R_rel) psnrs.append(p) print(f"FID: {fid.compute()}") print(f"IS: {inception.compute()}") print(f"CS: {cs.compute()}") print(f"PSNR: {psnr.compute()}") print(f"PSNR (author's code): {np.mean(psnrs)}")
Sorry to bother you. I tried your evaluation code, but the results for FID and CS are incorrect—they are 72 and 6.6, respectively.
I followed the test process using scripts/ with the pretrained checkpoint depth_gen.ckpt on 100 sequences from the ScanNet test set. Then, I used your evaluation code.
Did I miss something? Could the issue be due to the smaller number of test image sequences? I noticed that the paper used 590 non-overlapping image sequences.
Hi Shitao Tang, Thanks for sharing your amazing work!
I've dived into the evaluation protocol of image generation metrics (FID, IS, CS), but didn't find if you are evaluating panorama generation in panoramic or perspective format. Since you mentioned that for text2light and SD (pano) baselines, perspective images are obtained with projection. It would be great if you could provide this information. It would be even better if you could release the code for evaluation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.