First, thank you for all the work you've done here.
In our server, we use esx_boat (boatshop). I want to make a 'filter' on your SQL request :
sv.lua (44) :
MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles where plate=@plate and owner=@identifier",{['@plate'] = vehplate, ['@identifier'] = identifier}, function(result)
local typeCar = "car"
MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles where plate=@plate and owner=@identifier and type = @typeCar",{['@plate'] = vehplate, ['@identifier'] = identifier, ['@typeCar'] = typeCar}, function(result)
Hello @TanguyOrtegat,
First, thank you for all the work you've done here.
In our server, we use esx_boat (boatshop). I want to make a 'filter' on your SQL request :
sv.lua (44) : MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles where plate=@plate and owner=@identifier",{['@plate'] = vehplate, ['@identifier'] = identifier}, function(result)
local typeCar = "car" MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles where plate=@plate and owner=@identifier and type = @typeCar",{['@plate'] = vehplate, ['@identifier'] = identifier, ['@typeCar'] = typeCar}, function(result)
but this is still showing the boats, plane etc...
Do you have any idea ?
I'm french if you want to answer that way.