Tankbuster0 / authority

Authority is a multiplayer, dynamic cooperative mission for Arma 3.
3 stars 3 forks source link

Changelogs #5

Open Tankbuster0 opened 6 years ago

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

missions spawns an enemy squad at the airfield

change getprimarylocations so it makes logics instead of markers and put setvariables on them

write trigger creation stuff

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

ruin counting

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

roadblocks created.

now to make the convoys that run only while the roadblocks are in place.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

added a flag system. on server only (using createvehiclelocal), a red flag is created by doprimary at the middle of the target. it has a global name. primarytargetcleared them places a blue flag in its place and deletes the red one. note that the blue has a local name so that more than one can exist and is never deleted.

this is to provide a cheap way of finding currently held blue locations

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

bug it route chooser fixed. mission now has air and road reinforcement, triggered by airradar and roadblocks

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

air reinforcements not yet in. working on that now.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

air reinforcement working, though the troops deployed are in weird blue uniform. probably need to add more entries in the man array

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

fob vehicle dlivery working rob composition working VA at fob working respawn at fob working

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 336

Changelog: Disabled: ACE3 Advanced Ballistics & Wind Deflections Improved: Moving markers system. Improved: Custom respawn system for FPV and FOB vehicles. Improved: The player respawn dialog. Changed: Map not shown to player during setup. They now see the "Can not connect to GPS message". Improved: Selection of beach spawn, especially at Abdera.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Work continues on spawning the civilians in the town targets and handling them. We're using an existing (COS by Bangabob) patrol system but the spawning on them, the cars they drive and the parked cars is mine. The handledamage method for having them not killed by RTA or fall is not working, for reasons unknown so I've switched to a killed EH tracking system. Only civs killed by a soldierWB count towards the hearts and minds score. Even that's a bit odd. Not all SoldierWB kills are counted, not sure why. I'm planning to put in Champys airfield compositions very soon. It's the next job.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Champys airfield compositions now in. early build of the hearts and minds coring system in place

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

I'm seriously considering switching from RHS to CUP. Reason to do so: Better range of equipment we use, IE west stuff. West stuff is more complete especially their textures. Some better Russian stuff too. IE Mi-6. Faster addon updates. More popular with community. RHS west stuff not well supported. Misty closes tickets about them.

Reason to no do so: Alex (RHS) is a mate. Quality of Russian stuff is higher. Wide range of russian stuff. T90, Scud missile etc. RHS HMMVEE are better than CUP ones. RHS documentation is better.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Next jobs:

Remove some airfield objects. Some of the airfields look a little overpopulated now, especially Almrya.

Switch to CUP.

Continue to impliment civs and 2ndary mission system.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 395 is now on the server.

Changelog: Fixed: Some bad spawn positions near Abdera aifield. Added: Civilians now spawn in towns. Don't kill them. Added: Parked civilian cars in towns. Removed: Some aspects of ACE Medical that were interfering with mission scripting. Improved: Airdrop time-out changed to 90 seconds. Improved: Roadblocks now spawn open. Players have to close them or destroy them to stop road reinforcements. Added: Airfield objects by Champy. Added: Some objects at the edge of the salt flats for better cover and concealment. Added: Lobby parameter that enables the removal of enemy vests. Fixed: Enemy skill system. I thought it wasn't working well, but it turns out it was broken. Now fixed.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 428 is now on the server


Changed: Mission switched from RHS to CUP. Removed: Some aircraft from airfield compositions. Tweaked: Locations of some airfield composition assets, mostly to avoid the vehicle jiggling bug. Added: A few civilian aircraft for airfield compositions. Fixed: Road reinforcement soldiers were wrong class. Tweaked: Less civilians on foot in towns. Improved: Patrol function for civilians. May be completely rewriten later. Tweaked: All empty aircraft at airfield locked so players can't steal them. Added: Addaction to driver seat of FOB vehicle to deploy and undeploy FOB. Removed: CHVD view distance tool. It's included in ACE3.

With the switch to CUP, we can now style the mission as a British vs Russians theatre. The Russians are missing a few key vehicles, no mobile radar and no MBT more modern that a T72.

The BLUFOR are much improved with the addition of a British faction. The Forward vehicle is a Coyote 6x6, the FOB vehicle is a Mastiff and the beach runabouts are Landrovers.

Players can now use Steam Workshop to maintain ACE3 as the CUP compatibility addons are separate from ACE unlike the RHS compatibility addons which are part of the RHS download. CUP is also on the work shop. The minimum required is vehicles, units weapons and the two compatibility addons.

There's still some to do to finish the switch over to CUP. I've had to rework the way that the FOB is spawned and although it works, it needs a little tidying up. There's no MBT for BLUFOR. There is a Challenger II in another addon which we might use.

In the near future, I'll be tweaking the way the civilians behave in town including a new patrol system and a panic-take-cover system for them.

The BLUFOR prize system is partially finished. We need to work out how the player team will be gifted and obtain fixed wing and rotory wing prizes.

The abilities of the deployed FOB need completing too. It can't service vehicles, nor does it's medical functions work.

All of the above is to be done before we move onto authoring the secondary missions.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

429 on server

ace module adds 2 wheels to vehicles in sqm improved c130 pilot.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 469 is now on the server.

It now requires CUP Terrains - Core.


Fixed: C130 pilot distracted by enemy activity Added: Forward vehicle has 4 spare wheels Fixed: Action not appearing for driver of FOB so it could never be deployed. Tweaked: Fob space requirements reduced. It can now be built in smaller spaces. Changed: Vehicles being airdrop don't take damage while in the paradrop phase. Added: Frigate just offshore. Scenery object ATM, will be artillery provider soon. Added: Intro by Breech 99. Thanks mate! Broke: Counting of civilians killed by players. Arse. Added: Some missing magazines from the VA Tweaked: Scripts that make Primary missions run a little later than before.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 472 is now on the server.

Fixed: VA now whitelists EVERYTHING to fix the 'greyed out loadout load button' problem. It means the VA is full of weapons and stuff we don't use, players will see it's got all the AK guns for example.

Tweaked: Intro music shortened (removed silence fomr the start of the file) to reflect the slightly shorter intro sequence.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 479 is now on the server.

Tweaked: Less Vodniks in primary targets.
Removed: VA on FPV
Removed: Test and debug code that was breaking the FOB vehicle deploy scripts.
Added: Inventory on FPV (magazines, grenades, rockets, blood, bandages
Added (non mission stuff): Athena bisign to all server instances.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 496 is now on the server.


Fixed: The weird player character corruption (caused by something in the inventory of the FPV)
Added: Explosions, hinted feedback and wreck model to enemy radar.
Removed: The random BLUFOR AI pilots.
Tweaked: Music volume.
Tweaks: Improved (much less) inventory in the FPV
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 503 is now on the server and was published to Steam Workshop.


Tweaked: Intro music muted while we rethink how the intro should look and sound.
Tweaked: Forward vehicle and FOB vehicle gets there inventory and spare wheels back when they respawn.
Added (but untested) Cleanup of civs, deads and wrecks in old primary targets. (script shoud run when FOB vehicle redeploys near new target.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 518 id now on the server and was published to Steam Workshop


Fixed: Action for FOB drivers who JIP.
Fixed: Cleanup of old primary targets.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 567 is now on the server.


Added: Beach landrovers now have some spare wheels.
Added: Cleanup for old primary targets (runs when fob is deployed some distance away)
Improved: Civilian kill counting now done by faction, not side, as some CUP civlians are misconfig'd as SoldierWB
Added: Kronzky Urban Patrol script to civilians.
Removed: Ladders and other inventory from FPV to try to prevent character corruption bug.
Improved: Airdropped respawning vehicles (FPV and FOBV) get a better chosen landing place. (rarely at the beach spawn).
Fixed: FOB vehicle drivers not getting 'deploy FOB action'.
Improved: FOBV inventory (bandages, zipties etc).
Added, but not in use: Early builds of the secondary mission management system.
Added, but not in use: Early builds of the first secondary missions, a land mine clearance mission.
Added: OPFOR surrender system by Alex. Last few enemy in civilian towns drop their weapons and surrender. Players must arrest them.
Added: tky_fnc_screenname function.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 610 is now on the server.


Added: JTAC units.
Added: HQ and Chat fnc (WIP & Broken)
Improved: OPFOR airbase compositions to allow space for BLUFOR airhead.
Added: Some more work on mine clearance SM. (WIP and not in mission)
Added: BLUFOR airhead base spawns at first captured airfield. Beach ammobox and respawn point move there too.
Removed: Some debug and deprecated files and functions.
Added: Mission logo.
Changed: FOB vehicle deploy action now appears for commander, not driver.
Changed: Deploy FOB addaction now says "Deploy/Undeploy FOB".
Removed: Almyra is no longer a possible start point.
Added: Almyra is a military base, so primary missions can spawn there.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 676 is now on the server, which has been updated to the game version 1.60. Called the 'visual update' by BI and 'kicked the bollocks of anyone who has to administer a server update' by everyone else.


Added: Artillery provided by the frigate offshore. JTAC and anyone in the commanders seat of the FOB vehicle or Forward vehicle can call artillery.
Changed: FOB deployment. Engine must be off and you must be in the commanders seat to deploy.
Changed: Back to the unlimited VA system to prevent previously saved loadouts being greyed out
Fixed: Lag spike when new town spawns.
Added: Some spare wheels to vehicles.
Removed: Beach mortars.
Added: CQB troops in buildings.
Added: Some tripwire mines in buildings.
Changed: A third less civilians in towns.
Added: New AI skill system.
Added: ACE revive. Players will stay unconscious on the ground if they are badly wounded. Other players, or medics can heal them using ACE medical.
Improved: Airdrop system. Much more less likely to fail due to C130 crashing or getting confused or despawning or any number of other crazy shits.
Added: New markers on airdrop C130s.
Improved: Removal of dead bodies and wrecks.
Added: New objectmapper. Slower, but much safer - shouldn't have exploding base assets any more.
Added: Dataterminal in the airbase. Spawn motorbikes from this.
Improved: Assetrespawn script now much more efficient.
Removed: Mastiff gmg from prize array. It's too like the FOB vehicle and confuses players. *
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 682 is now on the server, along with the BI "hotfix" for 1.60.


Added: M163 VADS to prize array
Added: Public'ing function for setVehicleVarName
Tweaked: Deployment criteria for FOB less stringent
Tweaked: Deployed FOB (dataterminal object) now creates quadbike, not ATV
Changed: Primary target radar can be destroyed by shell or missile fire.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 716 is on the server.


Added: (JC) Installed and configured DEP (Dynamic Enemy Population) by Fluitketel.
Tweaked: Road reinforcements now run every 60 to 75 minutes. (more work to do on this)
Removed: Deprecated 'eject driver' code from deploying FOB vehicle.
Added: Message to all FOB vehicle crew that it can't deploy with a driver on board.
Improved: Handling of vehiclevarnames for fobveh and forward by new 'publicing' function added in earlier build.
Fixed: (JC) Wrong classname for static D30 and ZU23 in primary targets was spawninG wrong side assets and crew.
Removed: Intro assets, code and images.
Improved: Custom garbage collection system (as BI system n/w). Also, now runs from fdm (previously deployfob) so is guaranteed to be server side.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

New cleanup was broken so I've uploaded a new version of the mission with it fixed

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 732 is on the (renamed) server/


Fixed: Primary target cleanup. Should save a load of client FPS. When FOB is deployed away from the old primary target, everything in the old PT should be deleted.
Fixed: (AT) Syntax error in deprecated part of assetrespawn script.
Removed: Deprecated LV scripts.
Fixed: FOB and Forward vehicle respawn system.
Added: Prototype code to bring vehicles without driver back to server locality.
Added: (Killzonekid and Tankbuster) function to public vehicle names.
Removed: Some debug.
Added: Some debug. Yah, rly.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

The way the modules are set up now are too vanilla. Everyone is a medic and everyone is a repair engineer. So the various job classes have no meaning at all. An idea of how it could be set up on an intermediate level, set medic module so individual soldier can do first aid, then medic can cure major issues and heal to 100% Make repair module set to everyone can repair tires only. Repair and engineers can repair everything else, tires, engine, body etc and not necessarily have the option to full repair. Make a repair facility synchronized or labeled in module to recognize repair facility. (engineer gets vehicle close to repair vehicle or facility then can do 100%). Some of the modules aren't set up correctly. Nothing wrong with the mission, it's set up for 20 player slots and can be played with no fewer than 8-10 people. Anything less the team is fractured and can't really do much other than basic cqb small engagement combat.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Mike Abramson wrote:

The way the modules are set up now are too vanilla. Everyone is a medic and everyone is a repair engineer. So the various job classes have no meaning at all. An idea of how it could be set up on an intermediate level, set medic module so individual soldier can do first aid, then medic can cure major issues and heal to 100% Make repair module set to everyone can repair tires only. Repair and engineers can repair everything else, tires, engine, body etc and not necessarily have the option to full repair. Make a repair facility synchronized or labeled in module to recognize repair facility. (engineer gets vehicle close to repair vehicle or facility then can do 100%). Some of the modules aren't set up correctly. Nothing wrong with the mission, it's set up for 20 player slots and can be played with no fewer than 8-10 people. Anything less the team is fractured and can't really do much other than basic cqb small engagement combat.

Agree completely! The way it is now is NOT how we want this mission to be - the specialists should be useful. Many of our design decisions were aimed at having useful specialists and we've lost our focus here. Please can you make a task ticket for this.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 745 is now on the server.


Removed: Snipers in outlying buildings turned off temporaarily.
Added: tky system to returning locality of empty vehicles to server.
Tweaked: ACE engineering tweaked.
Fixed: Proper fix for BLUFOR asset vehicles not respawning.
Removed: (AM) Redundant ACE settings.
Added: Light version of ACE medical. Try to promote the medic role.
Fixed: OPFOR mortars now firing. Had to replace CUP Podnos with vanilla Mk6.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

BUild 780 is now on the server.


Fixed: AI OPFOR mortars. Using vanilla tube but CUP gunner unit as CUP is the problem.
Added: OPFOR mortar helper script. helps them to shoot at targets BVR a nd < 400m away.
Removed: Deprecated publicvariable from spawnairdrop
Removed: BI killed EH on forward and fob vehicle.
Added: Custom tky software killed EH for forward and fob vehicles.
Removed: A Tunguska squad from primary targets.
Disabled: (temporarily) DEP air patrols. Suspect they may be responsible for RPT spam.
Removed: Original tky cleanup system. It was running on target clearance and was deleting airbase compositions.
Fixed: Possible failure of roadreinforcement script where it might fail to find a start point.
Added: Beach and Air head markers.
Added: Scripting to make reinforcement troops attack players or forward vehicle.
Removed: (B99) ACE ballistics module.
Removed: (B99) ACE windage module.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 804 is now on the server.


Removed: A few MCV80 and Bulldogs from the prize array (they are all similar)
Removed: M163 Vulcan VADS from prize array.
Added: M6 Linebacker to prize array.
Removed: Deprecated functions (tky superhint)
Added: Dataterminal at deployed FOB that can spawn quadbike.
Added: 6 bloodbags to each quadbike, forward vehicle and FOB vehicle.
Added: OPFOR Air support. Fixed wind and rotary wing.
Improved: Location chosen for landing spot of airdrop things like replacement forward vehicle and prizes improved by increasing the open space it's looking for. From 6m to 8m.
Changed: ACE medical set from advanced to basic.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 933 is now on the server.


Fixed: Forward vehicle spawning damaged on Tanoa.
Changed: OPFOR Mortar helper system doesn't run if player count less than 2.
Fixed: Quad spawning position.
Added: Two towns missing from the Tanoa targetdata file.
Fixed: Various errors in Tanoa targetdata file.
Added: Microtowns. towns that have 75m radius have no armour at all, and no mortars.
Added: (then removed) Island hopping code based on specific coastal towns.
Added: Testmode system. testing servers see mission map markers and more debug.
Fixed: Beachhead and airbase target not on same island.
Added: Tanoa OPFOR airbase compositions. Thanks Champy
Improved: Ground clearance area under blubase container made wider.
Optimised: movebase.sqf
Added: Blubase composition for Tanoa.
Fixed: centerposition for Tanoa.
Changed: On Tanoa, forward vehicle is now RG-31 and FOB vehicle is Coyote. Altis unchanged, Forward vehicle is Coyote and FOB vehicle is Mastiff.
Added: Debug better able to force 'seizedby' triggers.
Changed: 'Seizedby' trigger timings shortened.
Changed: Many spawn position finding routines made safer. Should be less spontaneous explosions. Now makes sure no vehicles nearby.
Changed: Drop position finding routines made safer. Same as above.
Optimised: Choosenextprimary.sqf
Changed: 14 150m towns made into 75m
Added: Choosenextprimary can now choose overseas targets if theres less than 2 on the existing target's island.
Changed: Great reduced the number of OPFOR assets made per loop of spawnprimarytargetunits.sqf
Changed: Because of above, default enemy density changed from low to normal.
Optimised: Many distance commands changed to distance2d or distancesqr.
Fixed: (but not extensively tested) Algorithm for placing frigate.
Changed: Reorganisation of many files in mission folder. Moved into better named folders.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 959 is now on the Altis and Tanoa servers.


Some more background work on secondary missions, though they aren't live on the mission yet.
Minefield clearance secondary mission improved. Better messages to players of the minefields location and makes them further from buildings.
Removed: Removed ACE
Removed: The seize prisoners system from primary targets as it relies on ACE arrest.
Removed: Nasty hacky killed EH for civilians because ACE has gone.
Added: BIS revive.
Added: Debug showed only to registered test servers.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 963 is now on both servers.


Fixed: FOB commanders not getting deploy FOB option on Tanoa.
Fixed: Frigate now locked. It's not a tactical asset. It's the artillery unit and a scenery object.
Added: Advanced Urban Rappelling by Duda. It's not a required addon for clients as the functionality is sent from the server to players, but players can choose to install the addon for improved rappelling (shooting while on the rope etc).
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 994 is now on the servers.


Added: And configured latest version of DEP (better support for Tanoa including jungle ambushes)
Fixed: Airborne position of tents at Bala airhead.
Tweaked: Revive system. Players less likely to be insta killed by OPFOR rifle fire.
Added: Realweather 1.4 by code34
Added: CHVD client side view distance changer dialog (it's on ammo and fob box)
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1000 is on Steam.


Better handling of objects that must not be deleting during creation of blubase
Added Challenger and T-90.
Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Catchup time! build numbers:

1001: Removed a lot of MBT from primary targets. Want to make the mission more infantry based 1016: Finding bluflags (to use as a position to drop a replacement vehicle) optimised by switching it to an array based system 1018: Revive tweaked, less likely to be killed outright by rifle fire now 1022: removed CUP and CBA. 1026: Added cleanups that work while server is empty. 1032: Improved forward loadout. 1045: Arty only given when engine off. 1047: Enemy mortar helper removed. Too OP. 1057: Added quad spawner: spawnes quads when theres none at beach/airhead. 1063: Prowler new texture and removed rear doors. 1067: Fob is auto undeployed if fobveh is destroyed. Players messaged. 1069: PT HQ improved. Taru pod replaced with hq house. Also, hq always covered with camo net. Also added global hint when its killed. 1075: fobveh and forward respawn if 4m underwater 1080: New version of chvd (view distance thingy for clients), much better than old one. 1091: Enemy hq chooses flatter ground to spawn on. 1092: Enemy radar placement more random. 1104: Fob composition tightened a little. 1110: Fog clearer when player joins an empty server. 1119: Much improved fob space finder. features better feedback for player when fob spawn fails. 1121: Added arty reloader

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

1125: added landmass id to islanddata files 1130: Added island hop if current island all taken. 1133: Upgrade to new version of DEP by Fluit 1135: Removed some sleeps to speed up mission 1141: Improved landing position of air prize vehicles 1144: Improved roadblock clearing by debug scripts 1147: Supply a Blackfish if island hopping. 1148: Added hints to describe what's being airdropped and where 1154: Fixed missing Zeus interface for player deploying FOB 1157: New debug system, thanks to Killzonekid 1158: Change to order of scripts post pt complete (movebase was holding up the spawn of first town target) 1172: Further improvements to airdrop hints. Can now supply a custom text field. 1173: pt_radar killed is inexplicably slow. Tried to simplify it, but no joy. 1184: Fixed and improved La Rochelle airbase composition (aircraft now don't spawn on the manmade ground and 'splode. 1187: Added hint queue system that takes hints in a queue and displays them in a timed manner so they dont overwrite each other. 1188: Diary entries added. 1200: Added cleanup of discarded weapons and magazines. 1201: build (on 25/3/17)

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1248 is now on the server. Published to SW too.

1206: Removed LARS as it's no longer used. 1208: Dead forwards and fobvehs cleaned up when server is empty 1212: Improvements to system that chooses landing point for airdropped vehicles. 1213: Last few AI are auto killed in primary targets so players don't have to search for last few enemy. 1215: Optimization of findsafepos routine in spawnairdrop (removed the [0,0,0] check 1220: Tried (and removed) blacklist parameter for findsafepos. (it's broken) 1222: All spawned vehicles, added island hopper blackfish and prizevehicles now have public names. 1226: Hint queue system speeded up. 1231: Removed cluttercutters from compositions as they confuse findsafepos 1232: Improved droppos finder using nearestobjects to stop it dropping on buildings ad using nearentities to stop it dropping on mission objects. 1233: Blackfish container treated seperatey from prize boxes. 1246: Added FOB flagpole to array that spawnairdrop uses so that it can drop stuff at the deployed FOB. 1247: bf killed eh started by initserver. 1248 Build (8/4/17)

Other stuff: Added VCOM driving to server.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1262 is published to SW and on HoM servers

1259: Added customised Generic Vehicle Service points (by JACMAC) to airhead and FOB helipads 1260: FOB objects created by Zeus are now added to the FOB objects array and so are removed when FOB undeploys

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1281 is on the server and will be publish to SW later.

1261: Vehicle service triggers server sided only. Save some client FPS. 1263: Added vehicle service point texts to diary. 1264: Widened trigger controlling replacequads as sometimes it would be too far from base marker, resulting in a mad spawn of quads and possible race condition. 1271: Updated to latest version of DEP by Fluit. Despawns units inside blacklist locations. 1273: Deactivated (by remarking out execvm) reinforcementchopper scripts. They weren't working and an updated version from SpunFin didn't fix and in fact, introduced an error. 1274: Added medic tent heal script (very basic implementation). 1275: Added medic tent texts to diary. 1276: Removed Rereki from list of Tanoa primary targets. It's too small, too forested and too close to sea for scripts to find positions for primary target assets. 1278, 1280 & 1281: Fixed syntax errors. 1279: Publicvariable'd fobjects variable as both server and clients need it.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1324 is on the server and Steam Workshop

1286: reinforcementchopper rewritten from scratch. Features better landing routines, opening doors and 'stalled' heli checks. 1290: tky special brew of findsafepos. Lots more to do on this. 1298: Outdoor primary target (ie, not CQB guys) will only spawn outdoors and never in unenterable buildings. 1304: Debug added to primary target roadblock system. Try to track down failures. 1305: Improved comparison of counting of roadblocks array with number of killed bar gates to make more reliable. 1306: Removed lashed up medic tent from FOB. Don't like it. 1309: Changed lots of nearest* scripts to 2d mode. 1317: VTOLs removed from opfor chopper array.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1337 (Elite build) is on server and SW

1325: Added sarogahtyp suicide bomber scripts 1328: Improved cleanup of weapons and containers on the ground. 1330: Added Allahu sound file to suicide bomber. 1332: Fixed syntax error in killed eh for civilians. 1333: Fixed bad logic in pt roadblock system. Sorry Crusie! :)

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1342 is on server and SW.

1340: Suicide bomber is now a reclothed OPFOR, solving potential scoring and rating issues when players shoot him. 1340: Removed 2nd bomber.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1361 is on the server and steam workshop

1348: Added mission logo to start screens and hints. 1350: Reintroduced realweather with fixed timeskip and tweaked rain and fog 1351: Informed player undepolying FOB when its finished. 1353: Informed player spawning ATV where it is. 1360: Added Jets DLC content.

Also note that reviving a player uses (it didn't used to) a FAK. This is a BI change, not mine.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1418 is on the clan server and published to SW.

1362: Optimised fog stuff inside realweather. 1369: FOB dataterminal shows clan and mission logo on screen when open 1370: Removed deprecated heal.sqf 1372: Added jets i_fighter to dep 1382: Updated RealWeather with new commands 1385: Queuehints now able to handle 10 hints 1394: Fixed bug that didn't remove Zeus from player getting out of deploying fobveh 1398: Fixed bug that was not giving vehiclevarname to airdropped vehicles (thanks to crus for reporting and debugging) 1400: Speeded up tky hints even more. 1411: Added prize vehicle recovery system. (thanks to Rik for helping concieve and design this) 1414: Removed most createcenter commands. 1415: Updated diary with info about island hopping 1416: Added 'spawn facing me' feature to aircraft being unpacked from container(salute) 1401 & 1417: removed debug 1418 Build and publish

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1454 is now on the server, but has not been published to steam workshop

1410: Speeded up spawnairdrop when in testmode 1415: Added diary for prize recovery system 1416: Player can choose unpacked aircraft spawn dir by running away and saluting. 1419: Release point of airdropped items improved. 1426: Added (but not included in mission) landmine clearance SM 1429: Added (but not included in mission) naval mine clearance SM 1445: Saved some client FPS with lazy evaluation in supportmanager 1447: Removed enforced respawn when joining server. Players teleported to ammobox. 1450: Clear out old enemy statics from airbase when its captured (they clog up runways etc) 1452: Early commit of stealaircraft SM.

Tankbuster0 commented 6 years ago

Build 1531 is on the server and has been published to steam workshop

1456: Added an array of OPFOR aircraft types for future expansion 1457: Steal Aircraft SM (not active) 1464: Improved aircraft-in-hangar spawning 1465: Stealaircraft, removed createcroup function when creating vehicles. 1469: Added new sm cleanup routine. 1472: Removed Xi'an from stealaircraft mission array (it's a fixed wing but is taller than the hangars) 1478: Added runwatcraterclear and destroy radio tower sm (not active) 1495: Prevent runwaycraterclear spawning at Almyra 1498: Added slingloaddelivercontainer sm (not active) 1500: Made into functions code that tells cardinal directions and a distance estimater to text script 1505: Fixed bug in vecname handling in spwanairdrop 1510: Addactions given to players at mission start. 1520: Removed huron containers from blubase compositions 1528: Add a global variable, airheadname 1529: DEP air should now be only civilian