TanmoySG / wunder-identity-provider

ID Provider for Wunder Platform. Authentication & Authorization Server for all wunder products
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[Component] Magic Link based Verification #28

Open TanmoySG opened 2 years ago

TanmoySG commented 2 years ago

Along with the OTP-based verification, the wIP should also provide a Magic Link Based verification. A user putting in an OTP within 90 seconds, at time may not be possible, providing a user with the ability to choose their account verification method will increase the flexibility of the system.

A link is sent to the email of the user (just like the OTP). In this case, instead of a 6-digit OTP, the system generates an unique link for a particular user's verification request, and is sent to the user's mail. The user is required to click on the link to verify the account within a given timeframe(in this case a few hours).

[ Checkpoints ]

TanmoySG commented 2 years ago

Feature Reserved for v0.0.2