TannerGilbert / MaskRCNN-Object-Detection-and-Segmentation

Train your own custom MaskRCNN Object Detection and Instance Segmentation model.
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Mask-RCNN object detection and segmentation: Compatibility issues with Tensorflow and keras #4

Closed kavi0786 closed 3 years ago

kavi0786 commented 3 years ago

Hello sir, i have executed the Mask-RCNN object detection and segmentation in google colab... But , the follwoing errors present every time...

Attribute Error: module 'tensorflow._api.v1.compat.v2' has no attribute 'internal'.

Attribute Error: module 'keras.utils.generic_utils' has no attribute 'populate_dict_with_module_objects'..

Not only these errors,, Always problem with tensorflow and keras comaptabilty issues in google colab...

can you give any solution ? Thanks in advance...

TannerGilbert commented 3 years ago

What Tensorflow and Keras version are you using?

kavi0786 commented 3 years ago

Sir, in google colab, I used tensorflow==1.14.0 Keras===2.3.0..

TannerGilbert commented 3 years ago

It seems to work with Tensorflow 1.15.2 and Keras 2.3.1. I'll update the notebooks to use this version.

TannerGilbert commented 3 years ago

Actually it wasn't quite that simple. I aso ran into some other issues with that versions that I had to solve. I updated all the notebooks. Please take a look at them for more detail.