TannerRogalsky / punchdrunk

An attempt to replicate the LÖVE API in the browser using moonshine.
MIT License
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Audio source seek #53

Open simplesmiler opened 10 years ago

simplesmiler commented 10 years ago

Test case:

function love.load()
  local sound = love.audio.newSource("sound.ogg")

Love: sound will be played from 00:01. Punchdrunk: sound will be played from 00:00, the following error will occur (Chrome).

Error: Failed to set the 'currentTime' property on 'HTMLMediaElement': The element's readyState is HAVE_NOTHING.
    at Error (native)
    at Love.Audio.Source.Source.seek (http://localhost:8000/js/punchdrunk.js:9558:43)
    at call (http://localhost:8000/js/punchdrunk.js:1855:17)
    at shine.Closure._executeInstruction (http://localhost:8000/js/punchdrunk.js:1216:12)
    at shine.Closure._run (http://localhost:8000/js/punchdrunk.js:1154:17)
    at shine.Closure.execute (http://localhost:8000/js/punchdrunk.js:1055:15)
    at result (http://localhost:8000/js/punchdrunk.js:981:14)
    at shine.Function.apply (http://localhost:8000/js/punchdrunk.js:2265:29)
    at shine.Function.call (http://localhost:8000/js/punchdrunk.js:2246:14)
    at Love.Love.run (http://localhost:8000/js/punchdrunk.js:7835:17)
[object Object],9

According to the current state of standard, property currentTime of HTMLMediaElement can be set before audio metadata is loaded. But current versions of Chrome (issue) and Firefox (as far as I can say) do not implement this feature. I didn't test other browsers.

This is not an issue of punchdrunk by itself, but occurring error breaks an otherwise running game.

3 doesn't solve this issue. Possible workarounds are: