TaoK / PoorMansTSqlFormatter

A small free .Net and JS library (with demo UI, command-line bulk formatter, SSMS/VS add-in, notepad++ plugin, winmerge plugin, and demo webpage) for reformatting and coloring T-SQL code to the user's preferences.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Expand comma lists for CHECKSUM() #252

Open WyattBest opened 4 years ago

WyattBest commented 4 years ago

It generally makes sense not to break up argument lists for functions, but I think CHECKSUM() should be an exception.

Example of current behavior:

WHERE cast(R1.CreateDatetime AS DATE) = '2020-01-23'
    AND CHECKSUM(R1.Government_Id, R1.Scholarship, R1.ScholarshipAdjustment, R1.IncludeAmount, R1.IsHalfTime, R1.IsGraduated, R1.IsSSNCertified, R1.Payment, R1.PaymentAdjustment) <> CHECKSUM(R2.Government_Id, R2.Scholarship, R2.ScholarshipAdjustment, R2.IncludeAmount, R2.IsHalfTime, R2.IsGraduated, R2.IsSSNCertified, R2.Payment, R2.PaymentAdjustment)