Tap-Payments / goSellSDK-iOS

goSell iOS SDK
MIT License
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Unable to remove goSellSdk.MaskedWindow RootViewcontroller #16

Open jdWebkul123 opened 4 years ago

jdWebkul123 commented 4 years ago

When we go for checkout and payment failed or success we have found your root controller replace our root controller. which made the issues in my application. so pls provide me any solution.

pls check below screenshot https://prnt.sc/pqn902

jdWebkul123 commented 4 years ago

waiting for your response

jamilshazad commented 4 years ago

hello @jdWebkul123 how did you solved this issue? I am facing the same issue. please let me know i will be thankful .

jamilshazad commented 4 years ago

I have resolved the above issue by using the below line before presenting the model View. [self.window makeKeyAndVisible]

Mani-9000 commented 4 years ago

Hi i am also facing issue .. i used this one working fine in 12.4 version.. but latest version(13.0 series) i have problem.. get blank page .. plz help me..

albertml commented 4 years ago

I have an alternative for this by getting previous rootviewcontroller, but yeah it's a hack way and not a preferred solution and it should be fix on sdk itself. I'm getting previous rootviewcontroller from here UIApplication.shared.windows.first?.rootViewController

OmarTawashi commented 3 years ago

I am also facing the same issue, and solve using this after dismissing tap controller

let mainWindow = UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window mainWindow??.makeKeyAndVisible()