TapiocaFox / Daijishou

Daijishō is a retro launcher that let you manage your retro games libraries. This repo is for assets and served as a main page.
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Starting Gamecube games leads to error #640

Open eku opened 3 months ago

eku commented 3 months ago

System: AOSP 13

Emulator: Dolphin Emulator

Description: Starting a game through Daijishou leads to an error. When starting directly via Dolpin, it works.


The error message could be from Dolphin, but I'm not sure.

adb log:

04-02 17:41:11.780 13537 13537 D daijishou_debug: AmStart args: [-n, org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/.ui.main.MainActivity, -a, android.intent.action.MAIN, -e, AutoStartFile, content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Aroms%2Fngc/document/primary%3Aroms%2Fngc%2FMario%20Kart%20Double%20Dash%20%5BGM4P01%5D.rvz]
04-02 17:41:11.781  1608  2624 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10000001 cmp=org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/.ui.main.MainActivity (has extras)} from uid 10255

Let me know if you need any further information.

Jetup13 commented 2 weeks ago

That's a Dolphin error not Daijishou. It either means the file doesn't exist, Dolphin doesn't have permissions to the folder, or wrong am start argument was used.

  1. Make sure Dolphin has permissions to the same folder as the one picked on Daijishou.
  2. Try using the official dev build of Dolphin
  3. Try switching {file.path} to {file.path} or vice-versia
eku commented 2 weeks ago

That's a Dolphin error not Daijishou. It either means the file doesn't exist, Dolphin doesn't have permissions to the folder, or wrong am start argument was used.

1. Make sure Dolphin has permissions to the same folder as the one picked on Daijishou.

As stated in the ticket, Dolphin can access and start the game directly.

2. Try using the official dev build of Dolphin

Does not help.

3. Try switching {file.path} to {file.path} or vice-versia


Jetup13 commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Yes but did you select the same folder that Dolphin uses within Daijishou? For example:

Let's say you selected roms/gamecube/ within Dolphin

While for Daijishou you selected roms/gc/

The end result would be Dolphin not recognizing games when launched from Daijishou. You should also take note if you happen to change the case of a folder name (example: if you changed roms/gamecube to roms/Gamecube you might get an error).

  1. Dev build worked correctly for me when I tested:


  1. Edit the player to switch the am start arguments. Here's how you can edit players.
eku commented 2 weeks ago

@Jetup13 could you please provide the intent sent from Daijishou to Dolphin from logcat.

Mine is content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary:roms/ngc/document/primary:roms/ngc/Mario Kart Double Dash [GM4P01].rvz

Jetup13 commented 2 weeks ago

daijishou_debug: AmStart args: [-n, org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/.ui.main.MainActivity, -a, android.intent.action.MAIN, -e, AutoStartFile, content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/3731-3730%3Aroms%2Fgc/document/3731-3730%3Aroms%2Fgc%2FBleach%20GC%20-%20Tasogare%20ni%20Mamieru%20Shinigami%20(Japan).rvz]

And while Dolphin is running after launching through Daijishou:

DolphinEmuNative: Running : content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/3731-3730%3Aroms%2Fgc/document/3731-3730%3Aroms%2Fgc%2FBleach%20GC%20-%20Tasogare%20ni%20Mamieru%20Shinigami%20(Japan).rvz