Taracque / cordova-plugin-braintree

:credit_card: A Cordova plugin for the Braintree mobile payment processing SDK.
MIT License
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Update CardIO, BraintreeSDK, updates for cordova/8 & cordova-android/7+ #47

Open codinronan opened 6 years ago

codinronan commented 6 years ago

This PR pulls in changes across all the forks:

@Taracque hope you can take a look :)

jamesdixon commented 6 years ago

@codinronan nice work pulling all of this together!

codinronan commented 6 years ago

FWIW purely anecdotal I now have this running in our app just fine so it should be ok.. :)

jamesdixon commented 6 years ago

@Taracque any chance you can take a look at this?

yossivcita commented 6 years ago

Looking forward to this... Anybody knows if the card.io/braintree integration with this plugin is PCI compliant? thx

jamesdixon commented 5 years ago

It seems like @Taracque is no longer maintaining this fork. I installed it in a Cordova 8 app and there are issues. Installing this PR fixed everything. @codinronan would it be worth it to just consider yours the "stable" version going forward? I'd love to have one repo to go to instead of 12 😄 Will help maintain!

codinronan commented 5 years ago

Hi @jamesdixon we meet again! 🎉

I am fine with your proposal - I didn't want to have a bunch of disparate branches, but if mine is the one being maintained well then there we go :)

Let me add you as a maintainer over there, keep an eye out for the email.

jamesdixon commented 5 years ago

@codinronan it's been a while! Hope all is well!

Yeah, it's becoming a mess, but it appears yours may be the most up to date. This plugin is driving me insane. One day it builds, the next day it doesn't :smile: Curious, what versions of Cordova/cordova-android/cordova-ios are you using along with your branch? I can't seem to get a fully working build all of the sudden 😡

FuzzAU commented 5 years ago

Team, @Taracque hasn't been on GitHub in some time. Is it time for another fork and attempt to support?

Ionic seem to reference this repo from their official documentation, so perhaps they'll throw some support

fbognini commented 5 years ago

Hi @FuzzAU, I forked this repo more than one year ago, I fixed some bugs and I've used it (in production) since that time. It works, so if you want you can use it.

Let me know if you need support.

FuzzAU commented 5 years ago

@fbognini that's a wonderful offer and I'll try it out. Thank you! I was just testing out @codinronan's branch now however I see you've taken my and his previous commits in to your branch too. If it's working for you, and I can get it all glued in nicely with my build then I'll continue on with it.

Oh software development... building on the shoulders of giants, that then disappear (understandably, people have lives!)

codinronan commented 5 years ago

Hey all,

I've made some slight improvements to my branch over at https://github.com/engineerapart/cordova-plugin-braintree, namely, improved the install script so it won't duplicate the shell script entry as well as added some notes about ensuring the script is there when you build. It seems like in later versions of cordova, the script won't execute on a normal cordova prepare command anymore, so that is addressed in the README.

I looked at @fbognini 's branch and I'm not sure that change is needed with cordova-ios@5.0, there's a commit there that should update the bundle ID correctly. However I've also mentioned his branch as well as this thread in my updated README in case people need it.

justjoeyuk commented 5 years ago

@Taracque are you serious? Get this plugin maintained, Jesus Christ. Especially since Ionic Team are saying it's maintained.