Taracque / ionic-plugin-callkit

Ionic/Cordova plugin for CallKit
36 stars 20 forks source link

non ionic project #2

Closed holospeed closed 7 years ago

holospeed commented 7 years ago

Hi! I love to use the plugin in my non ionic project (non angular) for detecting incoming and outgoing calls on iOS. I imported <Cordova/CDV.h> in the myAppName-Bridging-Header.h ( #import <Cordova/CDV.h> ) If I understood well I have to use the following codes in the deviceready listener:

/// Register

CallKit.register(onCallChanged, onAudioSystem);

onCallChanged = function(data){ console.log("onCallChanged: "+JSON.stringify(data)); }; onAudioSystem = function(data){ console.log("onAudioSystem: "+JSON.stringify(data)); };

/// incomeingCall


name = function(name){ console.log("name: "+JSON.stringify(name)); }; params = function(params){ console.log("params: "+JSON.stringify(params)); }; onSuccess = function(onSuccess){ console.log("onSuccess: "+JSON.stringify(onSuccess)); };

Did I misunderstand something ? Because from some reason the callback not fired at all :(

Taracque commented 7 years ago

Did you tried it on a simulator or on a real device? CallKit doesn't work on iOS Simulator. Also you should make a new instance of CallKit:

var callUUID = '';
myCallKit = new CallKit();
myCallKit.register( callChanged, audioSystem );
var name = 'John calling';
var params = {
  supportsVideo : true,
  supportsGroup: false,
  supportsUngroup: false,
  supportsDTMF: false,
  supportsHold: true
var onSuccess = function(uuid) {
  callUUID = uuid;
  console.log('call reported. returned uuid: ' + uuid);
myCallKit.reportIncomingCall( name, params, onSuccess );

Taracque commented 7 years ago

try something like this:

var callUUID = '';
var myCallKit;

function callChanged(data) {
    console.log("onCallChanged: "+JSON.stringify(data));

function audioSystem(data) {
    console.log("onAudioSystem: "+JSON.stringify(data));

function onDeviceReady() {
    myCallKit = new CallKit();
    myCallKit.register( callChanged, audioSystem );

function incomingCall() {
    var name = 'John calling';
    var params = {
      supportsVideo : true,
      supportsGroup: false,
      supportsUngroup: false,
      supportsDTMF: false,
      supportsHold: true
    var onSuccess = function(uuid) {
      callUUID = uuid;
      console.log('call reported. returned uuid: ' + uuid);
    myCallKit.reportIncomingCall( name, params, onSuccess );

function endCall() {

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

fire incomingCall() and endCall() from a button.

holospeed commented 7 years ago

WORKING !!!! thank you so much for your help!!! THANK YOU 👯 👯 👯