Taracque / ionic-plugin-callkit

Ionic/Cordova plugin for CallKit
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ios background audio only connection breaks on second time #24

Open osterland opened 6 years ago

osterland commented 6 years ago


we got one single case, where the apps breaks:

We recieve an incoming call with a locked iPhone and do NOT enter the Videomode ( of our app ) instead we have an audio only connection, which we sooner or later "hang up". If we get a second call, without starting our app in between - we get errors. We think it has sth. to do wir our videocallModal, which gets only presented if we go in the app to the foreground, If we dont do this, we are not able to dismiss it and therefore we don't close our connection properly, and the second call will fail.

I know this is probably more realeted to our framwork ( ionic3 ) then this plugin, but maybe one of u guys hat the same case, and got some valuable hints ;)



osterland commented 6 years ago

okay guys, sorry small update on this -> we were using WKWebview which has some problems atm with the backgroundmdoe plugin. Using the old UIWEbview fixed the prior described problems. So i think we have to look into cordova/background-mode and WKWeb. Thanks any, suggestions still welcome <3