Taraflex / CrystalAtf

Optimized ATF converter
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Specifying output file does not work #1

Open SBRK opened 11 years ago

SBRK commented 11 years ago

When specifying an output file, (input.png->output.atf) the binary hangs, and on the error output I get : Could not open png file. ''

Also, does it work if I specify a full path like "C:\some folder\file.png"->"C:\some other path\file.atf" ? I need this to work if I want to integrate CrystalAtf to the Minko Editor.

Cheers !

Taraflex commented 11 years ago

Thank you for your interest to the project.I test some different paths, but cant generate your error. What is a path are you using?

SBRK commented 11 years ago

Sorry, I was calling the wrong executable with NativeProcess. But it still isn't working with the right one. Even when setting processInfo.workingDirectory to the directory where the png is, and passing just file.png to CrystalAtf, it just hangs and never exits the process.

Same in commandline : D:\CrystalAtf.exe C:\Users\benja_000\AppData\Roaming\Main\Local Store\temp\3f014d53\tmp\3f0151f91.png or D:\CrystalAtf.exe "C:\Users\benja_000\AppData\Roaming\Main\Local Store\temp\3f014d53\tmp\3f0151f91.png" It just hangs on "Complete..." and does nothing

SBRK commented 11 years ago

And whenever I use input->output it hangs and never finishes the process

Taraflex commented 11 years ago

Try to use bat file (utf8 without bom) or python script as launcher.

Taraflex commented 11 years ago

like this // import os import sys import time

start = time.time() os.system("CrystalAtf.exe image.png") print(time.time()-start)
