TaranVH / 2nd-keyboard

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Errors when running preset apply effect script alone #129

Open realwakils opened 4 years ago

realwakils commented 4 years ago

image I'm getting these issues when i copy pasted your entire effect preset apply script to a blank ahk script.

Soo I probably need more of the script... What? Here's my current code: `#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

;;;;;;;;;;FUNCTION FOR DIRECTLY APPLYING A PRESET EFFECT TO A CLIP!;;;;;;;;;;;; ; preset() is my most used, and most useful AHK function! There is no good reason why Premiere doesn't have this functionality. ;keep in mind, I use 150% UI scaling, so your pixel distances for commands like mousemove WILL be different! ;to use this script yourself, carefully go through testing the script and changing the values, ensuring that the script works, one line at a time. use message boxes to check on variables and see where the cursor is. remove those message boxes later when you have it all working!

IfWinActive ahk_exe Adobe Premiere Pro.exe

preset(item) { keywait, %A_PriorHotKey% ;this is probably WAY cleaner than allowing the physical key UP events to just happen WHENEVER during the following function. I'm gonna add this to a LOT of my functions... It'll be a bit slower, but also should have way fewer issues, making it worth it.

sendinput, {blind}{SC0EC} ;for debugging ;Keyshower(item,"preset") ;YOU DO NOT NEED THIS LINE. -- it simply displays keystrokes on the screen for the sake of tutorials... ; if IsFunc("Keyshower") ; { ; Func := Func("Keyshower") ; RetVal := Func.Call(item,"preset") ; }

ifWinNotActive ahk_exe Adobe Premiere Pro.exe goto theEnding ;and this line is here just in case the function is called while not inside premiere.

;Setting the coordinate mode is really important. This ensures that pixel distances are consistant for everything, everywhere. coordmode, pixel, Window coordmode, mouse, Window coordmode, Caret, Window

;This (temporarily) blocks the mouse and keyboard from sending any information, which could interfere with the funcitoning of the script. BlockInput, SendAndMouse BlockInput, MouseMove BlockInput, On

SetKeyDelay, 0 ;NO DELAY BETWEEN TYPED STUFF! It might actually be best to put this at "1" though.

;prFocus("timeline") ;maybe not essential i think... Sendinput, ^!+k ;shuttle STOP sleep 10 Sendinput, ^!+k ; another shortcut for Shuttle Stop. CTRL ALT SHIFT K. Set this in Premiere's shortcuts panel. ;so if the video is playing, this will stop it. Othewise, it can mess up the script. sleep 5

;msgbox, ahk_class = %class% nClassNN = %classNN%nTitle= %Window% ;;to check if there are lingering variables...

MouseGetPos, xposP, yposP ;------------------stores the cursor's current coordinates at X%xposP% Y%yposP% sendinput, {mButton} ;this will MIDDLE CLICK to bring focus to the panel underneath the cursor (the timeline). I forget exactly why, but if you create a nest, and immediately try to apply a preset to it, it doesn't work, because the timeline wasn't in focus...? ;but i just tried that and it still didn't work... sleep 5 prFocus("effects") ;brings focus to the effects panel ;Alternative -->;;Send ^+!7 ;CTRL SHIFT ALT 7 --- you must set this in premiere's keyboard shortcuts menu to the "effects" panel sendinput, {blind}{SC0EC} ;for debugging sleep 15 ;"sleep" means the script will wait for 20 milliseconds before the next command. This is done to give Premiere some time to load its own things. Sendinput, ^b ;CTRL B ------------------------- set in premiere to "select find box" sleep 5 ;Send ^b ;again... actually this will create the DOODLEDE DOOO noise if you do it twice.

;Any text in the Effects panel's find box has now been highlighted. There is also a blinking "text insertion point" at the end of that text. This is the vertical blinking line, or "caret."
{ if (A_CaretX = "") ;No Caret (blinking vertical line) can be found. waiting2 = 0 ;the following loop is waiting until it sees the caret. SUPER IMPORTANT. Without this, the function doesn't work 10% of the time. ;This is also way better than just always waiting 60 milliseconds like it had been before. The function can continue as soon as Premiere is ready. loop { waiting2 ++ sleep 33 tooltip, counter = (%waiting2% * 33)nCaret = %A_CaretX% if (A_CaretX <> "") { tooltip, CARET WAS FOUND break } if (waiting2 > 40) { tooltip, FAIL - no caret found.nIf your cursor will not move, hit the button to call the preset() function again.nTo remove this tooltip, refresh the script using its icon in the taskbar.n`nIt's possible Premiere tried to AUTOSAVE at just the wrong moment! ;Note to self, need much better way to debug this than screwing the user sleep 200 ;tooltip, GOTO theEnding ;lol, are you triggered by this GOTO? lolol lololol } } sleep 1 tooltip, }

;yeah, I've seen this go all the way up to "8," which is 264 milliseconds

MouseMove, %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY%, 0 sleep 5

;;;and fortunately, AHK knows the exact X and Y position of this caret. So therefore, we can find the effects panel find box, no matter what monitor it is on, with 100% consistency!

;tooltip, 1 - mouse should be on the caret X= %A_CaretX% Y= %A_CaretY% now ;;this was super helpful in me solving this one!

;;;msgbox, carat X Y is %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY% MouseGetPos, , , Window, classNN WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %Window% ;tooltip, 2 - ahk_class = %class% nClassNN = %classNN%nTitle= %Window% ;sleep 10 ;do i need this?? ;;;I think ControlGetPos is not affected by coordmode?? Or at least, it gave me the wrong coordinates if premiere is not fullscreened... https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ControlGetPos.htm ControlGetPos, XX, YY, Width, Height, %classNN%, ahk_class %class%, SubWindow, SubWindow ;-I tried to exclude subwindows but I don't think it works...? ;;my results: 59, 1229, 252, 21, Edit1, ahk_class Premiere Pro

;tooltip, classNN = %classNN% ;sleep 50 ;now we have found a lot of useful information about this find box. Turns out, we don't need most of it... ;we just need the X and Y coordinates of the "upper left" corner...

;comment in the following line to get a message box of your current variable values. The script will not advance until you dismiss the message box. ;MsgBox, xx=%XX% yy=%YY%

;MouseMove, XX-25, YY+10, 0 ;--------------------for 150% UI scaling, this moves the cursor onto the magnifying glass MouseMove, XX-15, YY+10, 0 ;--------------------for 100% UI scaling, this moves the cursor onto the magnifying glass ;msgbox, should be in the center of the magnifying glass now. sleep 5 ;was sleep 50 ;This types in the text you wanted to search for. Like "pop in." We can do this because the entire find box text was already selected by Premiere. Otherwise, we could click the magnifying glass if we wanted to , in order to select that find box. Send %item%

sleep 5 ;MouseMove, 62, 95, 0, R ;----------------------(for 150% UI) relative to the position of the magnifying glass (established earlier,) this moves the cursor down and directly onto the preset's icon. In my case, it is inside the "presets" folder, then inside of another folder, and the written name should be completely unique so that it is the first and only item. MouseMove, 41, 63, 0, R ;----------------------(for 100% UI) ;msgbox, The cursor should be directly on top of the preset's icon. n If not, the script needs modification. sleep 5 MouseGetPos, iconX, iconY, Window, classNN ;---now we have to figure out the ahk_class of the current panel we are on. It used to be DroverLord - Window Class14, but the number changes anytime you move panels around... so i must always obtain the information anew. sleep 5 WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %Window% ;----------"ahk_id %Window%" is important for SOME REASON. if you delete it, this doesn't work. ;tooltip, ahk_class = %class%nClassNN = %classNN% `nTitle= %Window% ;sleep 50 ControlGetPos, xxx, yyy, www, hhh, %classNN%, ahk_class %class%, SubWindow, SubWindow ;-I tried to exclude subwindows but I don't think it works...? MouseMove, www/4, hhh/2, 0, R ;-----------------moves to roughly the CENTER of the Effects panel. This clears the displayed presets from any duplication errors. VERY important. without this, the script fails 20% of the time. This is also where the script can go wrong, by trying to do this on the timeline, meaning it didn't get the Effects panel window information as it should have... IDK how to fix yet. sleep 5 MouseClick, left, , , 1 ;-----------------------the actual click sleep 5 MouseMove, iconX, iconY, 0 ;--------------------moves cursor BACK onto the effect's icon ;tooltip, should be back on the effect's icon ;sleep 50 sleep 5 MouseClickDrag, Left, , , %xposP%, %yposP%, 0 ;---clicks the left button down, drags this effect to the cursor's pervious coordinates and releases the left mouse button, which should be above a clip, on the TIMELINE panel. sleep 5 MouseClick, middle, , , 1 ;this returns focus to the panel the cursor is hovering above, WITHOUT selecting anything. great! blockinput, MouseMoveOff ;returning mouse movement ability BlockInput, off ;do not comment out or delete this line -- or you won't regain control of the keyboard!! However, CTRL+ALT+DEL will still work if you get stuck!! Cool.

theEnding: } ;END of preset()`

TaranVH commented 4 years ago

you just need to find the function prfocus() and copy THAT one into your AHK script as well.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 4:42 PM SMASH8530 notifications@github.com wrote:

[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19620638/85908862-3a4b6680-b817-11ea-8f11-26f925525d66.png I'm getting these issues when i copy pasted your entire effect preset apply script to a blank ahk script.

Soo I probably need more of the script... What? Here's my current code: `#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

;;;;;;;;;;FUNCTION FOR DIRECTLY APPLYING A PRESET EFFECT TO A CLIP!;;;;;;;;;;;; ; preset() is my most used, and most useful AHK function! There is no good reason why Premiere doesn't have this functionality. ;keep in mind, I use 150% UI scaling, so your pixel distances for commands like mousemove WILL be different! ;to use this script yourself, carefully go through testing the script and changing the values, ensuring that the script works, one line at a time. use message boxes to check on variables and see where the cursor is. remove those message boxes later when you have it all working!

IfWinActive ahk_exe Adobe Premiere Pro.exe

preset(item) { keywait, %A_PriorHotKey% ;this is probably WAY cleaner than allowing the physical key UP events to just happen WHENEVER during the following function. I'm gonna add this to a LOT of my functions... It'll be a bit slower, but also should have way fewer issues, making it worth it.

sendinput, {blind}{SC0EC} ;for debugging ;Keyshower(item,"preset") ;YOU DO NOT NEED THIS LINE. -- it simply displays keystrokes on the screen for the sake of tutorials... ; if IsFunc("Keyshower") ; { ; Func := Func("Keyshower") ; RetVal := Func.Call(item,"preset") ; }

ifWinNotActive ahk_exe Adobe Premiere Pro.exe goto theEnding ;and this line is here just in case the function is called while not inside premiere.

;Setting the coordinate mode is really important. This ensures that pixel distances are consistant for everything, everywhere. coordmode, pixel, Window coordmode, mouse, Window coordmode, Caret, Window

;This (temporarily) blocks the mouse and keyboard from sending any information, which could interfere with the funcitoning of the script. BlockInput, SendAndMouse BlockInput, MouseMove BlockInput, On

SetKeyDelay, 0 ;NO DELAY BETWEEN TYPED STUFF! It might actually be best to put this at "1" though.

;prFocus("timeline") ;maybe not essential i think... Sendinput, ^!+k ;shuttle STOP sleep 10 Sendinput, ^!+k ; another shortcut for Shuttle Stop. CTRL ALT SHIFT K. Set this in Premiere's shortcuts panel. ;so if the video is playing, this will stop it. Othewise, it can mess up the script. sleep 5

;msgbox, ahk_class = %class% nClassNN = %classNN% nTitle= %Window% ;;to check if there are lingering variables...

MouseGetPos, xposP, yposP ;------------------stores the cursor's current coordinates at X%xposP% Y%yposP% sendinput, {mButton} ;this will MIDDLE CLICK to bring focus to the panel underneath the cursor (the timeline). I forget exactly why, but if you create a nest, and immediately try to apply a preset to it, it doesn't work, because the timeline wasn't in focus...? ;but i just tried that and it still didn't work... sleep 5 prFocus("effects") ;brings focus to the effects panel ;Alternative -->;;Send ^+!7 ;CTRL SHIFT ALT 7 --- you must set this in premiere's keyboard shortcuts menu to the "effects" panel sendinput, {blind}{SC0EC} ;for debugging sleep 15 ;"sleep" means the script will wait for 20 milliseconds before the next command. This is done to give Premiere some time to load its own things. Sendinput, ^b ;CTRL B ------------------------- set in premiere to "select find box" sleep 5 ;Send ^b ;again... actually this will create the DOODLEDE DOOO noise if you do it twice.

;Any text in the Effects panel's find box has now been highlighted. There is also a blinking "text insertion point" at the end of that text. This is the vertical blinking line, or "caret." { if (A_CaretX = "") ;No Caret (blinking vertical line) can be found. waiting2 = 0 ;the following loop is waiting until it sees the caret. SUPER IMPORTANT. Without this, the function doesn't work 10% of the time. ;This is also way better than just always waiting 60 milliseconds like it had been before. The function can continue as soon as Premiere is ready. loop { waiting2 ++ sleep 33 tooltip, counter = (%waiting2% * 33)nCaret = %A_CaretX% if (A_CaretX <> "") { tooltip, CARET WAS FOUND break } if (waiting2 > 40) { tooltip, FAIL - no caret found. nIf your cursor will not move, hit the button to call the preset() function again.nTo remove this tooltip, refresh the script using its icon in the taskbar.n`nIt's possible Premiere tried to AUTOSAVE at just the wrong moment! ;Note to self, need much better way to debug this than screwing the user sleep 200 ;tooltip, GOTO theEnding ;lol, are you triggered by this GOTO? lolol lololol } } sleep 1 tooltip, }

;yeah, I've seen this go all the way up to "8," which is 264 milliseconds

MouseMove, %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY%, 0 sleep 5

;;;and fortunately, AHK knows the exact X and Y position of this caret. So therefore, we can find the effects panel find box, no matter what monitor it is on, with 100% consistency!

;tooltip, 1 - mouse should be on the caret X= %A_CaretX% Y= %A_CaretY% now ;;this was super helpful in me solving this one!

;;;msgbox, carat X Y is %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY% MouseGetPos, , , Window, classNN WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %Window% ;tooltip, 2 - ahk_class = %class% nClassNN = %classNN% nTitle= %Window% ;sleep 10 ;do i need this?? ;;;I think ControlGetPos is not affected by coordmode?? Or at least, it gave me the wrong coordinates if premiere is not fullscreened... https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ControlGetPos.htm ControlGetPos, XX, YY, Width, Height, %classNN%, ahk_class %class%, SubWindow, SubWindow ;-I tried to exclude subwindows but I don't think it works...? ;;my results: 59, 1229, 252, 21, Edit1, ahk_class Premiere Pro

;tooltip, classNN = %classNN% ;sleep 50 ;now we have found a lot of useful information about this find box. Turns out, we don't need most of it... ;we just need the X and Y coordinates of the "upper left" corner...

;comment in the following line to get a message box of your current variable values. The script will not advance until you dismiss the message box. ;MsgBox, xx=%XX% yy=%YY%

;MouseMove, XX-25, YY+10, 0 ;--------------------for 150% UI scaling, this moves the cursor onto the magnifying glass MouseMove, XX-15, YY+10, 0 ;--------------------for 100% UI scaling, this moves the cursor onto the magnifying glass ;msgbox, should be in the center of the magnifying glass now. sleep 5 ;was sleep 50 ;This types in the text you wanted to search for. Like "pop in." We can do this because the entire find box text was already selected by Premiere. Otherwise, we could click the magnifying glass if we wanted to , in order to select that find box. Send %item%

sleep 5 ;MouseMove, 62, 95, 0, R ;----------------------(for 150% UI) relative to the position of the magnifying glass (established earlier,) this moves the cursor down and directly onto the preset's icon. In my case, it is inside the "presets" folder, then inside of another folder, and the written name should be completely unique so that it is the first and only item. MouseMove, 41, 63, 0, R ;----------------------(for 100% UI) ;msgbox, The cursor should be directly on top of the preset's icon. n If not, the script needs modification. sleep 5 MouseGetPos, iconX, iconY, Window, classNN ;---now we have to figure out the ahk_class of the current panel we are on. It used to be DroverLord - Window Class14, but the number changes anytime you move panels around... so i must always obtain the information anew. sleep 5 WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %Window% ;----------"ahk_id %Window%" is important for SOME REASON. if you delete it, this doesn't work. ;tooltip, ahk_class = %class% nClassNN = %classNN% `nTitle= %Window% ;sleep 50 ControlGetPos, xxx, yyy, www, hhh, %classNN%, ahk_class %class%, SubWindow, SubWindow ;-I tried to exclude subwindows but I don't think it works...? MouseMove, www/4, hhh/2, 0, R ;-----------------moves to roughly the CENTER of the Effects panel. This clears the displayed presets from any duplication errors. VERY important. without this, the script fails 20% of the time. This is also where the script can go wrong, by trying to do this on the timeline, meaning it didn't get the Effects panel window information as it should have... IDK how to fix yet. sleep 5 MouseClick, left, , , 1 ;-----------------------the actual click sleep 5 MouseMove, iconX, iconY, 0 ;--------------------moves cursor BACK onto the effect's icon ;tooltip, should be back on the effect's icon ;sleep 50 sleep 5 MouseClickDrag, Left, , , %xposP%, %yposP%, 0 ;---clicks the left button down, drags this effect to the cursor's pervious coordinates and releases the left mouse button, which should be above a clip, on the TIMELINE panel. sleep 5 MouseClick, middle, , , 1 ;this returns focus to the panel the cursor is hovering above, WITHOUT selecting anything. great! blockinput, MouseMoveOff ;returning mouse movement ability BlockInput, off ;do not comment out or delete this line -- or you won't regain control of the keyboard!! However, CTRL+ALT+DEL will still work if you get stuck!! Cool.

theEnding: } ;END of preset()`

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