TaranVH / 2nd-keyboard

ALL of Taran's scripts - not just for the 2nd keyboard.
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Suggestion: 30 minutes of vimtutor #139

Open Jonta opened 3 years ago

Jonta commented 3 years ago

How to run vimtutor on windows? - https://superuser.com/questions/270938/how-to-run-vimtutor-on-windows

"But I'm so used to Notepad++"

("But you could just ESC0^v50jx" - I know. But this is a macro-demo. "Insert mode, not edit mode" - Shhh)

You've already learned a bit about it, Taran. You're too far in to give up now! Anthony can surely help you! The skill ceiling for Notepad is too low for you! No more exclamation marks‽