TaranVH / 2nd-keyboard

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FAIL - no caret found #168

Open KrOToXgaming opened 1 year ago

KrOToXgaming commented 1 year ago

So after using preset() function for quite some time, I recently run into the problem that I can't use it. When I try to use it, it says: image_2023-05-21_221422716

"FAIL - no caret found. If your cursor will not move, hit the button to call the preset() function again. To remove this tooltip, refresh the script using its icon in the taskbar.

It's possible Premiere tried to AUTOSAVE at just the wrong moment!"

And When I click this macro again, it is the same thing, little toolbar showing caret going from 0 to 30 and then this

doors-of-perspective commented 1 year ago

I'm having this issue too, only recently. Maybe it's an update on premiere which has caused something in this script to stop working.

doors-of-perspective commented 1 year ago

@KrOToXgaming I fixed it. For some reason (at least for me) Premiere 2023 deleted most of my shortcuts. Luckily I had a backup saved but the focus panels still didn't work. So you just need to go back into the keyboard shortcuts and set all the focus panels again. 50:23 - in this video: https://youtu.be/T3vG8U5RoFw

Seems to keep happening so I'm going to write it. Shortcuts, type in "window" - then set all the "shift+1/2/3/4.." to Ctrl+alt+shift+1/2/3/4/..."

BhaturaGuy commented 9 months ago

same issue here