TarheelGrad1998 / gallery-card

A custom card for Home Assistant that will display images and/or videos from a folder in the style of a gallery.
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Secondary images' size #60

Open pgorod opened 1 year ago

pgorod commented 1 year ago


This last update was really great, congratulations! 🎉

I have only a small thing that I think is a bit worse. The secondary images, below the main one, now look bigger on my phone, and that's a bit of a nuisance to me. They take up a lot of vertical space, and only show two side by side. Before, if I am not mistaken, they were smaller, thumbnail-like images, and 3 or 4 would be shown.


The size of the top image is ok, the ones below are the ones I wish were smaller.

Is this configurable somehow, making the images smaller? Or even turning that lower gallery off (as long as I can still get to the earlier images by swiping sideways)?

If you didn't change this deliberately, then I wonder if this is caused by my captions being larger now due to the [AGO] clause... in which case I would suggest allowing a different caption format string for the top images, and for the lower images.

TarheelGrad1998 commented 1 year ago

Ah, yeah, it's probably the captions, as I didn't do any changes with the layout, other than the popup image. I also tried to figure out how to put a line break in the caption but couldn't get it to work.

You can use "menu_alignment: hidden" to hide those secondary images, and the swipes should still work.

pgorod commented 1 year ago

I confirm your "menu_alignment: hidden" tip works. 👍

What do you think about having a separate caption format string for the top images, and for the lower images?

Something like:

caption_format: h[h]mm - ddd D/MMM, [ago]
caption_format_menu: h[h]mm

If caption_format_menu is not defined, it defaults to the same as caption_format