TarikHuber / material-ui-selectable-menu-list

Selectable List from Material-UI that can be filled with an array of items
MIT License
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Support material-ui 1.x.x #1

Open albinekb opened 6 years ago

albinekb commented 6 years ago

Hi! This package looks amazing, but does it support the upcoming material-ui@next? https://material-ui-next.com/getting-started/installation/


TarikHuber commented 6 years ago

Hi @albinekb and thx 😄 For now it doesn't. We are using it in production. When material-ui v1 get's released we will ship all our libraries to that version. For now there are to much changes in beta.

If you are using this in production let me know. Our other library Responsive Drawer has a next branch prepared for material-ui@next . We could do something similar here.

albinekb commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your response @TarikHuber! I'm using v1 in production with great success 👍 for the record I'm using it with SSR and next.js too.

Cool, I'll have a look how large the change is and if I got time, I'll PR a version updated to work with v1, and you can merge that to a next branch here 👍

Ah nice!! I was looking for something like that, it's PITA to manage my own responsive drawer component across my 3 material-ui frontends, I'll try that @next branch.

TarikHuber commented 6 years ago

It would be great if you could send a PR 😄 I hope there is not so much to change.

P.S. If you have to manage multiple projects (a known pain for everyone) check out our library that is a whole project shell in a npm module 😄 rmw-shell There is also a special CRA script for it where you can start a new project with create-react-app my-app --scripts-version rmw-react-scripts

albinekb commented 6 years ago

Cool, I'm already set up with next.js in separate folders, but need a good pattern for sharing the code, I'll have a look there and see if I can get some inspiration 👀

I'm currently testing this lib @next and looking to rebase/merge the updated master and PR the next branch here too if I get time 👍

albinekb commented 6 years ago

Does it support 1.x now? 😄 @TarikHuber

TarikHuber commented 6 years ago

Hi @albinekb unfortunately not. Don't know why I closed this issue :(

damaniosif commented 6 years ago

Hi need material ui next support. You now if it would be available soon?

TarikHuber commented 6 years ago

Hi @damaniosif . Sorry but I have no time to port it until it is released. But every PR is welcome.