I want to ask a question about the unit of open() and read() are not the same. The code located in readfiles subroutine of initializations.f.
In line99: open(200,file=foldername // '/' // voxfilename,action='read', status='old')
In line107: read(100,*) dummy(1:8)
Should the unit in read() is 200 to be consistent with the unite in open()? If the unit in read() choice of 100 a specific choice, could you be kindly tell me the reason.
Hello Erlap,
I want to ask a question about the unit of open() and read() are not the same. The code located in readfiles subroutine of initializations.f.
In line99: open(200,file=foldername // '/' // voxfilename,action='read', status='old') In line107: read(100,*) dummy(1:8)
Should the unit in read() is 200 to be consistent with the unite in open()? If the unit in read() choice of 100 a specific choice, could you be kindly tell me the reason.
Best regards, Li Bofeng