Tarmil / FSharp.SystemTextJson

System.Text.Json extensions for F# types
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Unwrapping single-field record cases #56

Closed NickDarvey closed 3 years ago

NickDarvey commented 4 years ago

I'm looking to 'unwrap' a record so that it's properties are at the same level as the case field.

Is there some kinda combination I could set for myOptions which would give me the behaviour I'm testing for here?

type D =
  | Da
  | Db of int
  | Dc of {| x: string; y: bool |}
  | Dd of Dd
and Dd = { x: string; y: bool }

let myOptions = JsonSerializerOptions()
myOptions.Converters.Add(JsonFSharpConverter(JsonUnionEncoding.InternalTag ||| JsonUnionEncoding.NamedFields ||| JsonUnionEncoding.UnwrapSingleFieldCases))

let ``deserialize unwrapped single-field record cases`` () =
    Assert.Equal(Da, JsonSerializer.Deserialize("""{"Case":"Da"}""", myOptions))
    Assert.Equal(Db 32, JsonSerializer.Deserialize("""{"Case":"Db","Item":32}""", myOptions))
    Assert.Equal(Dc {| x = "test"; y = true |}, JsonSerializer.Deserialize("""{"Case":"Dc","x":"test","y":true}""", myOptions))
    Assert.Equal(Dd { x = "test"; y = true }, JsonSerializer.Deserialize("""{"Case":"Dd","x":"test","y":true}""", myOptions))

let ``serialize unwrapped single-field record cases`` () =
    Assert.Equal("""{"Case":"Da"}""", JsonSerializer.Serialize(Da, myOptions))
    Assert.Equal("""{"Case":"Db","Item":32}""", JsonSerializer.Serialize(Db 32, myOptions))
    Assert.Equal("""{"Case":"Dc","x":"test","y":true}""", JsonSerializer.Serialize(Dc {| x = "test"; y = true |}, myOptions))
    Assert.Equal("""{"Case":"Dd","x":"test","y":true}""", JsonSerializer.Serialize(Dd { x = "test"; y = true }, myOptions))
Tarmil commented 4 years ago

I don't think it's possible with the current options. But this would be a useful feature! It's implemented in WebSharper's JSON library and I've definitely made use of it in the past.

NickDarvey commented 4 years ago

I think the implementing the writing might be something like:

/// Extensions (hopefully) coming with .NET 5
/// (https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/31274)
/// from https://github.com/jet/FsCodec/blob/aab8dce0240469351172c43e962aaaa8b57f111f/src/FsCodec.SystemTextJson/JsonSerializerElementExtensions.fs#L21
module private JsonSerializerExtensions =
  open System.Runtime.InteropServices

  type private JsonSerializer with
    static member SerializeToElement(value: 'T, [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue(null)>] ?options: JsonSerializerOptions) =
      JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonElement>(ReadOnlySpan.op_Implicit(JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(value, defaultArg options null)))

let writeExpandedSingleField (writer: Utf8JsonWriter) (case: Case) (value: obj) (options: JsonSerializerOptions) =
  writer.WriteString(fsOptions.UnionTagName, case.Name)
  let element = JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement((case.Dector value).[0], options)
  match element.ValueKind with
  | JsonValueKind.Object ->
    for property in element.EnumerateObject() do property.WriteTo(writer)
  | _ ->

The trickiest part about implementing this enhancement for me is understanding how it should compose with the other options using the JsonUnionEncoding flag enum. I guess I might be having trouble because not all options are expected to compose, like, not every combination is possible (e.g. JsonUnionEncoding.InternalTag doesn't work with JsonUnionEncoding.UnwrapSingleFieldCases, if I understand correctly).

I'm not quite familiar enough with this library to suggest a design here, so if you can recommend how to integrate this with the JsonUnionEncoding options then I'm happy to try to implement it.

(Alternatively, and maybe a different piece of work, perhaps the options could be modelled as a bunch of DU types where only the valid combinations are representable. And/or the JsonUnionConverter is split up so there's not quite so much conditional behaviour.)

Tarmil commented 4 years ago

I've started an implementation that reuses a chunk of the code for writing records, will create a draft PR soon.

The trickiest part about implementing this enhancement for me is understanding how it should compose with the other options using the JsonUnionEncoding flag enum.

As far as I can tell, it should be possible to use this option any time you have JsonUnionEncoding.NamedFields enabled. But indeed we should be careful about the interaction with the various Unwrap options.